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4 14 22 7 00 PM Syllabus for PHY 241 University Physics III 2022 Spring Course Syllabus Jump to Today To print MAC users press P PC users press CTRL P PHY 241 University Physics III Course and Faculty Information Course Description This course provides an introduction to thermodynamics kinetic theory physical and wave optics relativity photons matter waves atomic physics This course builds on knowledge of mechanics and electric and magnetic fields It presents principles of physics and topics that are important for a modern education in a science engineering curriculum Credits 3 Prerequisites PHY 131 MAT 266 or MAT 271 with C or better PHY 121 with C or better Pre Co requisite MAT 267 or MAT 272 with C or better if completed Students are required to have passed the previous course PHY 131 University Physics II For PHY 131 and PHY 241 a strong background in calculus is necessary as well as familiarity with vectors and trigonometry Contact Info Instructor Professor Robert J Nemanich Office PSB 353 Bateman Physical Science Complex wing B floor 3 room 353 Phone 480 965 2240 Email address Robert Nemanich asu edu Office Hours 9 00 10 00 am Thursdays or to be arranged via email Course Learning Outcomes At the completion of this course students will be able to Understand how work heat and energy is transformed into each other and transferred https canvas asu edu courses 105753 assignments syllabus 1 12 4 14 22 7 00 PM Syllabus for PHY 241 University Physics III 2022 Spring Understand macroscopic thermodynamic properties of solids liquids and gases in terms of the microscopic motion of atoms and molecules in string waves sound waves and light waves Understand the principle of superposition and how it leads to interference diffraction and standing waves Understand the principles of relativity the speed of light is constant and all the laws of physics are the same in all inertial frames of reference Apply the principles of relativity to solve problems of time dilation and length contraction Understand rest energy kinetic energy and the conversion of mass and energy Understand that photons have quantized energy and are emitted and adsorbed in an all or nothing basis Understand quantized levels in atoms and light emission and absorption Understand the wave nature of matter and the uncertainty principle Understand the wave function as related to probability density fror quantum systems Apply Schrodinger s equation to understand the wave function for some one dimensional systems Textbooks Materials Title Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics Author Randall D Knight Publisher Pearson 3rd Edition Homework and Practice Tests are online with MasteringPhysics This course is offered as part of the Pearson Affordability Program As part of this program an eText version of the book and the MasteringPhysics online homework is available at no cost through the Pearson Access link on the left column Select the Pearson Access tab You will be presented with an End User License Agreement Please contact Pearson Technical Support with questions Otherwise select Accept to continue When prompted to sign into Pearson you may o Select Create to create a new account https canvas asu edu courses 105753 assignments syllabus 2 12 4 14 22 7 00 PM Syllabus for PHY 241 University Physics III 2022 Spring o Sign in with a pre existing Pearson account o Retrieve a forgotten username or password After linking your accounts select Go to My Courses to launch into the course All future access to MyLab or Mastering will always take place through the Pearson Access tab on the Canvas course menu A scientific calculator is required for homework Assignments are handled through access to the homework system MasteringPhysics Students must have an account with this system from the very first day of classes Offered at no cost Course Access This is an I course All content is available on line Tests will be administered on campus at set times in the Physics Testing Center Due to COVID 19 all tests and final exam will be online Your ASU courses can be accessed by both my asu edu http my asu edu and asu instructure com bookmark both in the event that one site is down Computer Requirements The online content requires a computer with internet access and the following technologies Web browsers Chrome https www google com chrome Mozilla Firefox http www mozilla org en US firefox new or Safari http www apple com safari Adobe Acrobat Reader Adobe Flash Player http get adobe com reader free http get adobe com flashplayer free Webcam microphone headset earbuds and speaker Microsoft Office Microsoft 365 is free https myapps asu edu app microsoft office 2016 home usage for all currently enrolled ASU students Reliable broadband internet connection DSL or cable to stream videos Note A smartphone iPad Chromebook etc will not be sufficient for completing your work in ASU Online courses While you will be able to access course content with mobile devices you must use a computer for all assignments LockDown Browser Requirement This course requires the use of LockDown Browser for online exams Watch this video to get a basic understanding of LockDown Browser https www respondus com products lockdown browser student movie shtml https www respondus com products lockdown browser student movie shtml Download Instructions Download and install LockDown Browser from this link https canvas asu edu courses 105753 assignments syllabus 3 12 4 14 22 7 00 PM Syllabus for PHY 241 University Physics III 2022 Spring https download respondus com lockdown download php id 197112001 https download respondus com lockdown download php id 197112001 Once Installed Start LockDown Browser Log into to Canvas Navigate to the quiz Note You won t be able to access a quiz that requires LockDown Browser with a standard web browser If this is tried an error message will indicate that the test requires the use of LockDown Browser Simply start LockDown Browser and navigate back to the exam to continue Guidelines When taking an online quiz follow these guidelines Before starting the test know how much time is available for it and also that you ve allotted sufficient time to complete it Turn off all mobile devices phones etc and don t have them within reach Clear your area of all external materials books papers other computers or devices Remain at your desk or workstation for the duration of the test LockDown Browser will prevent you from accessing other websites or

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ASU PHY 241 - Syllabus for PHY 241

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