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POS 150 Comparative Government COMPARATIVE GOVERNMENT M W Th 11 50 12 40 ASU Sync online only https asu zoom us j 8577512265 pwd UnFyMk9XUnIybUtqMisxVFJvVXo0dz09 Dr Jos Kaire Office hours FR 1 00 2 00pm kaire asu edu Kerry Morris Office hours By appointment only kmorri23 asu edu Instructors Course Description This course is an introduction to the study of politics in different countries around the world Its focus on domestic politics differentiates it from a course in international relations which focuses on relations between countries We will tackle question such as what makes democracy work Why are some countries authoritarian Why do some countries respect human rights while others repress minorities The class will introduce you to key concepts in comparative politics and how political scientists go about answers these questions Outcomes By the end of the course students will be familiar with the core ideas of ten classic research areas or themes in comparative politics Students will learn about how politics works in different countries and what those experiences tell us about politics in the United States Students will gain a better understanding of the political history of the last century and the underpinnings of prominent political issues today such as democratic erosion ethnic conflict and the role of social media Meetings All classes and the instructor s office hours will be held on Zoom The zoom link is https asu zoom us j 8577512265 pwd UnFyMk9XUnIybUtqMisxVFJvVXo0dz09 You will be able to complete all class requirements online and you will not be required to be on campus for this class Students that are forced to be in distracting environments should be mindful of their classmates and mute their audio or video Contact The teaching assistant Kerry Morris should be your first point of contact This includes emails and office hours She will direct you to me if necessary Expectations My goal is make you think not tell you what to think I will respect your views and I expect you to respect your classmates and my guidelines Assignments 10 Quizzes 20 Each quiz will cover one of the themes of the class You can retake a quiz as many times you want before the deadline Each question in a quiz will have an explanation for the right answer You should use these quizzes as a study guide The questions in the exams will be different but if you have mastered the quiz materials then you will okay in the exam You must complete quizzes 1 to 5 by October 9th the date of the first exam and the rest of the quizzes before December 4th 2 Exams 35 each There will be two multiple choice exams You will have a whole weekend Friday through Sunday to take the tests but once you start you will be limited to 50 minutes The first exam is scheduled for the weekend of October 9th and the second for the weekend of November 23rd The first exam will cover themes 1 5 and the second one will cover themes 6 9 To do well in the exams you should 1 pay attention in class 2 take good notes 3 review the power points and 4 go through the quizzes as many times as you need Note that in most circumstances you will not be able to take an exam on a different date Syllabus quiz extra credit You must understand the rules of is class If you complete the syllabus quiz you will gain extra credit You can re take the quiz as many times as necessary but you must do so by the deadline which is August 26 Research Study Participation Requirement 10 Students enrolled in this course are required to complete a research assignment that can include TWO HOURS of research study participation The studies will require students to complete a study online or in the SPGS lab Students will learn how studies are conducted and will receive a synopsis at the conclusion of the semester describing the study s goal result and relevance to the class Students who prefer not to participate in research as subjects may opt for an alternative that entails finding an article using the experimental method published in a scholarly journal and writing a short summary and critique of the article It will take students approximately two hours to complete the alternative assignment Early in the semester you will receive an e mail asking whether you prefer study participation or completing the alternative assignment The e mail will also include details on how to complete either requirement Note that if you are enrolled in multiple C session classes that require participation you will only need to satisfy the requirement one time for all of your C session classes The email will direct you to the SPAGS experimental website where you can register for an experimental session http spgslab wordpress com experimental If you have any questions about this requirement you should email Allie Williams at participation sign up amwill72 asu edu Readings David Samuels Comparative Politics 2nd edition is the recommended textbook for this class You are not required to buy it You should be able to do well in class without reading it However buying and reading the textbook will make things easier for you The class will cover most of the chapters in the book so it would be a great reference You can buy the book cheaper at Amazon or the publisher https www pearson com Each theme has one or two texts listed as further reading some of which are available on Canvas You are not required or expected to read any of these However if you are interested in the topic these are good entry points into the literature I will borrow from them during lecture so reading them would help Grading 10 Quizzes 2 each 20 total 2 Exams 35 each 70 total Research study participation 10 Extra credit Syllabus quiz 4 A 98 100 A 93 97 A 90 92 B 87 89 B 83 86 B 80 82 C 75 79 C 70 74 D 60 69 E 59 or below Course Schedule Disclaimer I will do my best to stick to the dates below However the COVID pandemic may force us to change things around August 21 Friday Introduction Recommended reading Samuels Chapter 1 Theme 1 The Comparative Study of Politics Further reading G Sartori What is Political Science B Arditi On the Political Schmitt contra Schmitt August 24 Monday What is comparative politics August 26 Wednesday syllabus quiz deadline Studying politics political science vs political commentary August 28 Friday Modern approaches to comparative politics Recommended reading Samuels Chapter 2 Theme 2 The State Further reading J Barzun From Dawn to Decadence Chapters 1 5 J Costa Lopez Political Authority in International

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