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4 14 22 7 06 PM PHY 121 Topic and Reading Schedule PHY 121 FALL 2021 SCHEDULE 8 00 MWF INSTRUCTOR G B Adams Topic Day Date Topic Reading Chapter Sections 1 F 8 20 Vectors Position and Velocity 1 1 9 2 1 1 2 M 8 23 Position Velocity Acceleration 2 2 6 2 W 8 25 Acceleration Free Fall 2 2 6 3 F 8 27 Projectile Motion MQ0 3 1 3 3 4 M 8 30 Projectiles Circles 3 4 5 4 W 9 01 Circular Motion Relative Velocity 3 4 5 5 F 9 03 Newton s Laws Weight MQ1 4 1 6 5 5 M 9 06 LABOR DAY HOLIDAY 5 6 W 9 08 Newton s Laws Forces 5 1 2 6 F 9 10 Forces Between Surfaces Slopes 5 1 2 tension Tension MQ2 7 M 9 13 Pulleys Elevators 5 1 2 TEST 1 Free Response in PSF 123 During Recitation on TUE 9 14 TEST 1 covers Topics 1 4 7 8 W 9 15 Accelerated Frames Friction 5 3 midpage 146 TEST 1 Numerical in PSF 123 During Recitation on THU 9 16 8 F 9 17 Friction 5 3 midpage 146 9 M 9 20 Forces in Circular Motion reread p 84 5 4 9 10 W 9 22 Curves Scalar Product 1 10 top page 22 10 F 9 24 Scalar Product Work Kinetic Energy 1 10 top page 22 work pdf 6 1 3 midpage 182 11 M 9 27 Springs Conservative Forces MQ3 6 3 top page 183 7 3 page 217 GisCons pdf 14 2 midpage 432 TEST 2 Numerical in PSF 123 During Recitation on TUE 9 28 TEST 2 covers Topics 5 8 11 12 W 9 29 Springs Power 6 4 TEST 2 Free Response in PSF 123 During Recitation on THU 9 30 12 F 10 01 Power Potential Mechanical Energy 6 4 7 1 2 top page 212 meCons pdf 13 M 10 04 Force from Potential Energy 7 4 5 13 14 W 10 06 Energy Diagrams Vertical Springs 7 4 5 14 4 midpage 443 14 F 10 08 Energy Conservation MQ4 7 2 energy pdf 15 W 10 13 Center of Mass Momentum and Impulse 8 1 2 5 TEST 3 Numerical in PSF 123 During Recitation on THU 10 14 TEST 3 covers Topics 9 13 15 16 F 10 15 Momentum Collisions 8 3 4 16 M 10 18 Collisions 8 3 4 https www public asu edu gbadams f21 121lec html 1 3 4 14 22 7 06 PM PHY 121 Topic and Reading Schedule TEST 3 Free Response in PSF 123 During Recitation on TUE 10 19 17 a W 10 20 Rotational Kinematics and Inertia 9 1 5 17 b F 10 22 Torque 10 1 2 p 312 17 c M 10 25 Torque 2nd Law for Rotation 10 1 2 p 312 17 18 W 10 27 2nd Law for Rotation Statics MQ5 p 312 11 1 3 TEST 4 Free Response in PSF 123 During Recitation on THU 10 28 TEST 4 covers Topics 14 17a 18 F 10 29 Statics Energy and Rotation 9 4 10 4 11 1 3 18 19 M 11 01 Energy for Rotation Rolling 10 3 midpage 313 TEST 4 Numerical in PSF 123 During Recitation on TUE 11 02 19 W 11 03 Rolling 10 3 midpage 313 20 F 11 05 Angular Momentum for Rotation in 2d angmom2D pdf 20 21 M 11 08 Angular Momentum 1 10 10 1 5 7 21 W 11 10 Torque and Angular Momentum 1 10 10 1 5 7 Generalized 22 F 11 12 Universal Gravitation MQ6 13 1 3 7 22 23 M 11 15 Universal Gravity Orbits 13 4 5 TEST 5 Free Response in PSF 123 During Recitation on TUE 11 16 TEST 5 covers Topics 17b 21 23 W 11 17 Orbits and Conservation Principles 13 4 5 Kepler s Laws TEST 5 Numerical in PSH 563 During Recitation on THU 11 18 24 F 11 19 Simple Harmonic Motion DiffEq 14 1 4 midpage 443 24 25 M 11 22 SHM The Pendulum 14 1 6 25 a W 11 25 The Pendulum Resonance in 14 4 6 8 TaylorSeries Driven SHM 25 b M 11 29 Continuation of Topic 25 pp 320 321 TEST 6 Numerical in PSH 563 During Recitation on TUE 11 30 TEST 6 covers Topics 22 25a W 12 01 Review of Torque and Rolling TEST 6 Free Response in PSF 123 During Recitation on THU 12 02 F 12 03 Review of Gravity and Orbits In these cases the reading stops in the middle of a section The note indicates the location where the reading assignment ends In most cases the relevant section is assigned again later in the class the section reading resumes at the earlier stopping place In this case page 312 is an additional page to read in Chapter 10 in addition to sections 1 and 2 Also in section 9 4 your reading stops at the bottom of page 285 https www public asu edu gbadams f21 121lec html 2 3 4 14 22 7 06 PM PHY 121 Topic and Reading Schedule Read the introduction and Tension in one dimension on Wikipedia s Tension page Read the introduction to Wikipedia s Differential Equations page Read the introduction and Definition on Wikipedia s Taylor Series webpage FINAL EXAM MWF 8 00 class MON Dec 06 7 30 9 20 AM https www public asu edu gbadams f21 121lec html 3 3

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