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MAT343 Applied Linear Algebra Syllabus Instructor Prof Juan M Lopez jmlopez asu edu Office 640 GWC Office Hours 2 3pm M W Term Spring 2022 01 10 04 27 Prerequisites MAT 266 or 271 with C or better Textbook Linear Algebra with Applications 10e by Steven J Leon Lisette G De Pillise Pearson Prentice Hall Objectives Linear algebra is the study of vector spaces and operations on those vector spaces Linear algebra forms the backbone of many pure and applied mathematical theories providing a powerful framework for quantitative reasoning The course will cover many topics detailed in the contents section below Contents Represent a system of linear equations using matrices Solve linear systems using Row Echelon Form Reduced Row Echelon Form and the LU factorization Perform matrix arithmetic and leverage matrix algebra Evaluate determinants and leverage their properties State the definition of a singular matrix and how it relates to the solution of square linear systems Understand the axioms of vector spaces determine is subsets of vector spaces are subspaces Determine if a set of vectors is linearly independent Sections 1 1 3 3 Determine bases for subspaces and similarity transforms Determine the rank nullspace and dimension of a matrix Represent linear transformations with matrices Apply the Fundamental Theorem of Linear Algebra to find bases for orthogonal complements Apply least squares to overdetermined problems to find the best fit to a set of data points Find orthogonal projections onto subspaces and orthonormal bases using Gram Schmidt and QR factorizations Sections 3 4 5 6 Compute the eigenspace of a matrix and determine if a matrix is diagonaliz able Apply Singular Value Decomposition and QR factorization to solve the normal equations Explore iterative techniques like Jacobi Gauss Seidel and SOR Use MATLAB to explore applications of linear algebra Sections 6 1 8 1 Schedule Weeks 01 05 1 1 3 2 Weeks 06 11 3 3 4 2 Weeks 11 16 5 1 8 1 Grading WebWorK HW 15 MATLAB Labs 15 Test 1 15 Test 2 15 Test 3 15 Final 25 Target cut offs 60 70 77 80 83 87 90 93 97 100 E D C C B B B A A A MAT343 Applied Linear Algebra Syllabus Tests Four tests will be given during the semester material to be covered will be announced in class The best possible preparation for the tests is regular attendance and com pletion of the assigned labs and homework No calculators or any other devices are allowed during the test Any student accessing a phone or any data capable device during a test for any reason will automatically receive a zero score on that test All such devices must be turned off put away and made inaccessible Homework During the semester regular homework through the WeBWorK system will be as signed and made due on a weekly basis If you are not familiar with WeBWorK you should start by working out the Introduction set this set does not count towards the grade No late assignments accepted Due dates for WeBWorK are listed on the course WeBworK page https webwork asu edu MATLAB Labs There will be six MATLAB lab reports due during the semester plus the introductory Lab 0 The instructional videos for the labs and the pdf files with the examples and exercises are posted in Canvas under the MATLAB module The Final test is comprehensive Test 1 2022 02 16 Wednesday Test 2 2022 03 23 Wednesday Test 3 2022 04 20 Wednesday Final 2022 05 04 Wednesday Due dates for lab reports Lab 0 2022 01 21 Friday Lab 1 2022 01 28 Friday Lab 2 2022 02 11 Friday Lab 3 2022 02 25 Friday Lab 4 2022 03 18 Friday Lab 5 2022 04 08 Friday Lab 6 2022 04 22 Friday Students should watch the videos on their own A Teaching Assistant will be in ECA221 at your scheduled lab time to provide help if needed note that lab times do not coincide with normal lecture times There will also be open lab hours as specified on the previous page All ASU students may download MATLAB through MyApps Go to MyASU MyApps and then search for MATLAB to download it to your computer In addition MATLAB is installed on campus computers so you may use it there No late labs will be accepted Tutoring There are several sites providing free tutoring to all ASU students See https math asu edu tutoring https tutoring asu edu Dates of note 2022 01 16 Drop Add deadline 2022 01 17 Martin Luther King Holiday no class 2022 03 7 11 Spring Break 2022 04 03 Course Withdrawal deadline MAT343 Policies Absences Absences related to religious observances practices that are in accordance with ACD 304 04 http www asu edu aad manuals acd acd304 04 html Accommodations for Religious Practices or university sanctioned events activities that are in accordance with ACD 304 02 http www asu edu aad manuals acd acd304 02 html Missed Classes Due to University Sanctioned Activities will be excused Any other absence requires appropriate medical documentation All absences require timely advanced notification Failure to attend the first week of class allows the instructor to initiate an admin istrative drop https www asu edu aad manuals ssm ssm201 02 html which drops the offending student from the course Special Grades The E grade is for student who participated in the class but did not earn enough credit to pass or attain the D grade The EN grade is for students who never once participated in class Failure to attend the first week of class allows the instructor to initiate an administrative drop https www asu edu aad manuals ssm ssm201 02 html which drops the offending student from the course Note that nonattendance does not automatically result in being dropped from the course it is at the discretion of the instructor to begin an admin drop Thus a student should not assume they are no longer registered for a course simply because they did not attend class during the first week The EU grade is for students who participated but then stopped after a certain point and never resumed It is used when the instructor determines that the student s completed assignments course activities or both were insufficient to make normal evaluation of academic performance possible This grade distinction is critical to federal financial aid administration A grade of incomplete will be awarded only in the event that a documented emergency or illness prevents the student who is doing acceptable work from completing a small percentage of the course requirements The guidelines in the current Student Service Manual regarding a grade of incomplete will be strictly followed The form for an incomplete request is available at https

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