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FSE100 Introduction to Engineering Fall 2018 TTh 1 Instructor Marnie Wong Office GWC376 Email marnie wong asu edu Twitter marniew17 Phone 480 965 1426 Office Hours Mon 11am 1pm Tue and Thurs 12 1pm or by appointment Lecture Meets Lab Meets Sec 74418 T 10 30 11 20am in E Space ECG G141 Sec 74419 Th 9 00 11 50am in E Space ECF F122 Academic Integrity ASU expects and requires all students to act with honesty and integrity and respect the rights of others in carrying out all academic assignments Each student in this class is expected to abide by the ASU Academic Integrity Policy and Student Code of Conduct Discussions are encouraged for assignments However individual assignments must be your own work Copying is not allowed Teamwork must be the original work of the team and each team member is expected to partici pate in the teamwork Team assignments are expected to be completed by ALL members of the team although the details of how each member participates will be left up to the individuals in the team Zero credit will be given to individuals who fail to contribute in team assignments You are encouraged to work with others on assignments However assignments denoted as individual assignments MUST be your own original work If you work with others on these assignments you must acknowledge their help Direct copying of others assignments will result in an E or XE for this course Cheating on exams will also result in an E or XE for this course Any cheating will be reported to the ASU academic integrity office Course Description The Introduction to Engineering course FSE 100 introduces the engineering design process engineering models and pro vides opportunities to learn about and use various engineering tools and software The course will also teach basic written and oral communication skills important for communicating technical information effectively You will learn to work in a team environment using engineering models and design methods to address multi disciplinary engineering design prob lems Course Learning Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Students will work effectively as part of a design team to develop and demonstrate team norms and critique team effectiveness through peer evaluation Students will apply the steps of the engineering design process based on the analysis of customer needs to de sign build and test a physical prototype Students will apply customer focused design and the entrepreneurial mindset to create and evaluate design pro totypes that will solve problems Students will use and select appropriate tools and technical skills to collect and analyze data from a variety of sources to describe and predict the behavior of designs and to justify design decisions based on appropriate models Students will write technical project reports and give oral multimedia presentations about their designs which in cludes addressing the economic and societal value of those designs Students will apply project management skills such as scheduling budgeting and resource management to an engineering design Students will be able to identify their motivations strengths and contributions within the field of engineering and critique their own skills and understanding through self reflection 2 Course Materials Abarca Javier et al 2000 Introductory Engineering Design A Projects Based Approach Third Edition Text book for GEEN 1400 First Year Engineering Projects and GEEN 3400 Innovation and Invention Integrated Teach ing and Learning Program and Laboratory College of Engineering and Applied Science University of Colorado Boulder Available online at http itll colorado edu index php courses workshops geen 1400 resources textbook Additional required and recommended readings will be provided Course Requirements and Policies Attendance Attendance is MANDITORY for ALL lab and lecture sessions Excessive tardiness more than 5 minutes late to a lecture or lab will cause a reduction in your grade Missing a lecture or a lab will result in a zero for any quizzes activities or labs that may have been scheduled during that class time An absence will not be counted against a student for university excused absences illness death in the family university sanctioned event etc providing that the reason for the absence is documented in writing and the instructor is notified prior to the absence if possible Excuses which will NOT be accepted include scheduling an appointment during part of the lab lecture time taking a math science test during lab time if there is a real conflict you should notify instructor at the beginning of the semester so this can be resolved before the date of the exam All students are responsible for all material covered during the lecture and lab sessions and arrangements for any make up work for an excused absence should be done prior to the absence if possible Assignments Assignments must be turned in on stated due dates No late assignments will be accepted Notify the instructor in writ ing BEFORE an assignment is due if an emergent situation rises and you cannot turn in the assignment on time Other ex cuses will NOT be accommodated for example printer has not worked data was not obtained from other group mem bers assignments were left in the dorm room the car didn t start etc Please follow the appropriate University policies to request an accommodation for religious practices or to accommodate a missed assignment due to University sanc tioned activities If you wish to dispute a homework or exam grade that you received you must inform your instructor in writing within 5 days of the receipt of the grade Disability Accommodations Students with disabilities who may require special accommodations are encouraged to request for them through the Dis ability Research Center All such requests will be kept confidential and every attempt will be made to provide equal ac cess Computers and Cellphones Laptop computers are NOT to be open in lectures unless needed Cellphones are NOT to be used during lectures or labs No personal emails games music etc during lectures or labs The team may be penalized for individuals in the team who use cellphones sending personal emails texting playing games etc during the labs Sexual Discrimination Title IX is a federal law that provides that no person be excluded on the basis of sex from participation in be denied benefits of or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity Both Title IX university policy make clear that sexual violence harassment based

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ASU FSE 100 - Syllabus

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