Revision 2 M W Class EEE CSE 120 Digital Design Fundamentals Spring 2021 Schedule Line s 11293 13492 19327 18823 Computer Literacy Professor Bassam Matar Online Via Zoom Bassam Matar asu edu best way to communicate Other hours by appointment arranged via email Incorrect Work Correct Answer NO CREDIT No Work Correct Answer NO CREDIT Will be using the plus minus grading scale Prerequisites Instructor Office Location Email Office Zoom Hours M W 02 00 02 50 PM via zoom https asu zoom us j 83635906472 Grading Policy Grading All exams are closed book and notes For the exams you are allowed to use 8 by 11 sheet of paper TOTAL 100 Quizzes Midterm labs Capstone Project Homework Final Exam 15 20 25 10 10 20 both sides for notes Exam and quiz dates are subject to change If you have a quiz or exam question or problem with how something was graded contact the professor Please contact the grader for questions related to the homework s and labs and copy the professor on your email There will be 6 quizzes Due dates are firm Late quizzes and exams will not be allowed Late Lab work will be accepted as indicated for a 10 penalty The course letter grade will be derived based on your overall numerical score as calculated by Canvas Letter grade Course numerical score A A A B B B C C D E 97 and 100 94 and 97 90 and 94 87 and 90 84 and 87 80 and 84 76 and 80 70 and 76 60 and 70 0 and 60 These thresholds will be set at the instructor s discretion Live online class lecture meets via Zoom Join URL https asu zoom us j 83874562931 Revision 2 M W Class Course Objectives and Expected Learning Outcomes Students will be able to analyze design construct and debug digital combinational logic circuitry and digital finite state machine circuitry 1 Students will be able to describe the function of electric circuits that perform logic operations using symbols for logic gates or input output tables truth tables 2 Students will be proficient in the use of algebraic equations to describe and analyze Digital Logic circuits and use Boolean Algebra to simplify the circuits 3 Students will be able to perform algebraic operations in different number systems as opposed to the traditional decimal system 4 Students will be able to design build debug and demonstrate the operation of arbitrarily complex combinational Digital Logic circuits 5 Students will be able to design build debug and demonstrate the operation of arbitrarily complex synchronous machines given a reasonable problem statement 6 Students will be able to set criteria to determine the best design and select the best design 7 Students will be able to describe the operation of an elementary microprocessor create an instruction set for an elementary microprocessor and enter the instruction set into the processor s instruction PROM Students will also be able to enter a program in the processor s memory and execute the program Readings Assignments Examinations Special Materials Required Activities Textbook Introduction to Logic Design 3nd Ed Alan B Marcovitz McGraw Hill 2010 The book materials we provide should be sufficient for learning and understanding What is good about this book is the number of problems at the end of each chapter We will use the book for the class homework assignments I have created video lectures and sample practice problems to supplement our class lectures and textbook materials Laboratory information available on Canvas Submitting Assignments In this class assignments refer to homework quizzes labs and extra credit assignments All assignments unless otherwise announced MUST be submitted to the designated area of Canvas Do not submit an assignment via email For each lab including the capstone design project you will have to complete a lab report using the template provided and some short videos on the results you obtained All lab reports must use the lab templates provided All reports and videos must be submitted to the designated area of Canvas by the due date Homework assignments must be submitted on Canvas Scan all your homework pages solution as one file and submit on Canvas Assignment due dates follow Arizona Standard time Click the following link to access the Time Converter Links to an external site to ensure you account for the difference in Time Zones Note Arizona does not observe daylight savings time Revision 2 M W Class ASU Sync This course uses Sync ASU Sync is a technology enhanced approach designed to meet the dynamic needs of the class During Sync classes students learn remotely through live class lectures discussions study groups and or tutoring You can find out more information about ASU Sync for students here https provost asu edu sync students and https www asu edu about fall 2020 To access live sessions of this class go to the Canvas shell for this course and check the Syllabus page for instructions Classroom attendance is limited to 50 of the capacity of the room Therefore it may be required that you attend one day per week in person and one day per week online If you cannot physically be on campus due to travel restrictions or personal health concerns you will be able to attend your classes via ASU Sync or through iCourses during the semester Face Coverings Required at ASU Locations Everyone will be required to wear a face cover while in ASU buildings Face coverings will also be required in outdoor community spaces where social distancing isn t possible Technology Requirements ASU Sync classes can be live streamed anywhere with the proper technology We encourage you to use a PC or Apple laptop or desktop equipped with a built in or standalone webcam You will need an internet connection that can effectively stream live broadcasts It is recommended that your internet download speed is at least 5 0 mbps You can use this tool to test your current connection We do not recommend the use of iPads or Chromebooks for ASU Sync as these devices do not work for class exams that may be proctored remotely If you are not able to personally finance the equipment you need to attend class via ASU Sync ASU has a laptop and WiFi hotspot checkout program available through ASU Library Who is eligible Any currently enrolled ASU student is eligible to checkout a laptop The current availability of laptops can be found here Borrowing and returning laptop rules Laptops are lent on a first come first serve basis and cannot be reserved in advance They can be returned at any time but will be due at the conclusion of the fall 2020 semester Rentals are
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