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The two very important recommendations that I find impactful for parents and or professionals are obtained from Bringing Up Bookmonsters The first recommendation that I highly encourage parents to follow is to depend less on devices From a very young age parents introduce tablets technology to their children in order to distract them and avoid any tantrums However screen usage interferes greatly with a child s physical mental health social skills and behavior management Ankowski 83 84 Parents use these devices not knowing they are causing more harm than good The solution to this is to depend less on devices and focus more on engaging the child in a different way In reference to Bringing Up Bookmonsters challenge youngsters to behave more like the responsible big kids they re becoming Encourage them to engage in polite conversation with their voices at an appropriate volume Bring battery free books for reading or papers for coloring and treat your tablet as an absolute last resort Ankowski 87 Technological devices should be used in case of emergencies not on a regular basis This information is essential for parents as it allows them to be more mindful of their children This recommendation is a great guide to effective parenting for my own future as it allows me to raise my children with minimal mistakes The second recommendation that I found is the tip to incorporate reading throughout the child s daily routine not just before bedtime to be educational and even life changing Most parents incorporate reading into their child s bedtime routine because that s usually when they are free However the negative effect of reading before bed is that it can limit your child s literacy development and also could end their habit of reading altogether Ankowski 46 The solution to this would be to make sure to share books and stories with your kid all around the clock such as reading before a bath breakfast lunch or audiobooks in the car Ankowski 46 Reading to children at all times can change their attitudes towards reading and make the association of reading to having fun I always associated reading with bedtime and now that I understand why it might not be the best choice for a child I can use this tip in the future when I have a child Reading to a child is crucial for cognitive development so I want to make sure I contribute to this development process

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UCLA PSYCH 100A - Homework

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