Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology Web App Development Syllabus 2020 2021 General Course Information Teacher Contact Information Paul Kosek Room 206 Second Floor Research Wing off Curie Commons pckosek fcps edu primary pckosek fcpsschools net not monitored use only when explicitly directed Virtual Platform links Blackboard Collaborate will be used for Synchronous Classes individual links will be emailed to your fcpsschools net email Google Classroom will be for upload and assignment submission GC Link https classroom google com c MjQ3MTE5MDU0OTU3 cjc ghirjec Join code ghirjec Office Hours TBA Class Meeting Schedule Mr Kosek s schedule in parenthense s TUESDAYS THURSDAYS BLUE WEDNESDAYS FRIDAYS RED 8 40 10 05 Period 1 Kosek m w research 10 25 11 50 Period 2 Kosek planning Period 5 WEB APP DEVELOPMENT Period 6 WEB APP DEVELOPMENT Lunch Period 3 Kosek m w research Period 7 Kosek planning 2 35 4 00 Period 4 Kosek m w research Period 8 Period 8 starts 5 min earlier than period 4 to give equal time to breakout blocks 12 00 12 40 12 50 2 15 2 30 3 10 3 20 4 00 Period 8A Period 8B Attendance Class attendance will be taken A student is considered absent when there is no evidence that the student participated in virtual learning as expected Attendance will be additionally verified using a google form Technology Assistance All students have a help document in their grade level Google Classroom Additionally students can also email the TJ Tech Team from their fcpsschools net account at tjhstttechteam fcps edu if assistance is needed or check with the FCPS Help Desk Course Overview Web Application Development is a laboratory based course in which students develop a deep understanding of the processes and theories involved in creating Web Applications This is a Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology Web App Development Syllabus 2020 2021 practical Computer Science course in hands on programming Topics covered include Client Side Development covering JavaScript JSON CSS HTML formatting forms AJAX DOM and Canvas Server Side Development covering Node js Templating API usage and Oauth Databases MySQL Furthermore the course explores concepts such as Asynchronous Workflows Object Oriented Programming and Data Structure Design that span the depth and breadth of the above topics At the end of the course students should be able to develop their own web server with a database backend login mechanisms and on a local computer or cloud platform The material presented in this course is cumulative and therefore you are strongly encouraged to stay on top of work There are no textbooks for the course Electronic resources will be distributed through blackboard There is no end of course examination however there will be a large culminating project spanning over the final weeks of the course TJHSST is committed to helping students understand honor and value the importance of identity and equity as it relates to their courses and their lives TJHSST is also committed to acknowledging and celebrating the differences of our community s members in a culture of inclusivity In order to master the life skills for behaving safely ethically and responsibly online students will work with their parents and teachers to learn how technology is used for learning and to advance their college and career goals proactively approach their use of technology with empathy ethics and a sense of individual social and civic responsibility use technology in a safe and respectful manner understand their rights and abide by the responsibilities set forth in the FCPS Student Rights use technology as described in the FCPS Acceptable Use Policy when at school and when and Responsibilities using school resources follow the rules and expectations set by their parents caregivers at home Grade Calculations Textbook s and Virtual Resources End of Course Exams Equity Digital Citizenship and the Virtual Classroom Environment General Grading Statements The final grade assigned indicates the level of achievement in accordance with the POS developed for the Web Application Development course Assignments will be graded and grades will be posted within 7 school days after the due date with the understanding that major projects papers may require additional time to ensure quality Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology Web App Development Syllabus 2020 2021 feedback FCPS Secondary Grading and Reporting website Grading Policies Grades are determined by calculating the percentage of total points earned Grades will be calculated using a rolling continuous gradebook Generally speaking assigned work in the course will fall into one of five categories 1 Ungraded Homework this encompasses watching videos reading tutorials Assigned as new topics are introduced 2 Graded Homework 10 points assignment involves completing supplemental tutorials Assigned 5 times over the duration of the course 3 Short Assignments 5 points assignment in class demonstrations of concepts Assigned as new topics are introduced 4 Major Assignments 25 points assignment larger labs intended to demonstrate proficiency of a concept Assigned several times throughout the course 5 Outstanding Work 20 of points assigned on Major Assignments Assigned in conjunction with Major Assignments Outstanding Work is additional work beyond the stated rubric of the major assignment that demonstrates mastery self directed additional work with a topic Assessed when finished or at the end of the course Quarter Grades The quarter grade represents the state of the points average taken at the end of the quarter Note that this will likely not be the mathematical midpoint of points accumulated as there tend to be smaller introductory assignments in the first quarter of the course No one assignment or assessment will count for more than 30 of the total quarter grade Homework is limited to no more than 10 of the total quarter grade Per grading and reporting there will be at a minimum 9 grades per quarter Final Grades The final grade will be determined by calculating the percentage of total points earned Grading Policies Homework Time Allotment Deadlines for labs in this course are designed such that they can be completed in the allotted class time plus roughly one to two 1 2 hours of outside of class work time per week This average time includes time spent on Graded and Ungraded Homework from Grading Policies above This year the remote learning environment will result
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