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Penn State University University Park MATH 230 Multivariable Calculus and Vector Analysis Spring 2022 CATALOG DESCRIPTION MATH 230 Three dimensional analytic geometry vectors in space par tial di erentiation double and triple integrals integral vector calculus Students who have passed either Math 231 or Math 232 may not schedule Math 230 or Math 230H for credit PREREQUISITE MATH 141 or MATH 141H REQUIRED MATERIALS Textbook Calculus Early Transcendentals 4th Edition by Jon Rogawksi A hardcover textbook can be bought at the bookstore or you can purchase a loose leaf version on from the Achieve website Online An activated Achieve account When you sign up for Achieve be sure to use your Penn State email address and the same name that is on the Canvas class roster COURSE FORMAT There are four 50 minute lectures each week The sections covered in lectures are listed at the end of this document MATH 230 LEARNING OBJECTIVES Upon successful completion the student will be familiar with vectors vector operations equations of curves and surfaces in space calculus calculations involving curves the calculation and applications of di erentiation of functions of several variables the calculation and appli cations of double and triple integrals vector elds the calculation of line and surface integrals and theorems regarding vector calculus integrals fundamental theorem of line integrals Green s theorem Stokes theorem and divergence theorem These are covered in Chapters 12 17 of the textbook CALCULATORS A graphing calculator is useful as a study and learning tool when used appropriately but will not be used for exams or quizzes There will be times when an online calculator or graphing program will be necessary for homework but those resources will be made available to you TUTORS and PENN STATE LEARNING Free mathematics tutoring is available at Penn State Learning You can nd information about their online and in person options at the following site https pennstatelearning psu edu tutoring mathematics EXAMINATIONS Three exams will be given outside of class time throughout the semester two 75 minute exams are given during the semester and a third cumulative 110 minute exam given during nal exam week Exam 1 February 8 Exam 2 March 22 Exam 3 TBA Rooms for examinations will be announced by your instructor at a later date Be sure to bring your Penn State ID to all exams The textbook sections covered on each exam are listed in the schedule at the end of this document CONFLICT MAKEUP EXAM POLICY If there is a valid documented reason for not being available during all the regular examination time windows such as a class or another o cial university activity or illness a student may arrange with the instructor to take a con ict or makeup exam For each midterm a con ict exam will be given the same night as the regular exam at a di erent time Students who attend the con ict exam will not be permitted to leave the exam room before the end of the time period 1 The week after each midterm a makeup exam will be given for those students who missed the con ict and makeup exam You need to email your instructor as soon as possible regarding last minute con icts or illness Students who are unable to take the regular exam but able to take the con ict exam and not allowed to sign up for the makeup exam NOTE If you miss an exam without an o cial excuse such as illness or o cial university business you may be allowed to take a makeup exam but with an automatic 10 point deduc tion from the grade To avoid this deduction you must notify your instructor via email with your o cial excuse within 24 hours of the missed exam Personal business such as travel employment weddings graduations or attendance at public events such as concerts sporting events and Greek Rush events is not a valid excuse For getting the date or time of an examination is not a valid excuse FINAL EXAMINATION The nal examination will be given during the week May 2 6 2022 The nal examination may be scheduled on any day during the nal examination period Students may access their nal exam schedules February 14 through their Lionpath account Noti cation of con icts is given on the student s nal exam schedule There are two types of con ict nal examinations direct and overload Direct con icts are two examinations scheduled at the same time Overload examinations are de ned as three or more examinations scheduled in consecutive time periods or within one calendar day Students may elect to take the three or more examina tions on the same day if they wish or request a con ict nal examination A student must take action to request a con ict exam through Lionpath between February 14 and March 6 Con ict nal examinations cannot be scheduled through the Mathematics department Students who miss or cannot take the nal examination due to a valid and documented reason such as illness may be allowed to take a makeup nal examination at the beginning of the next semester Personal business such as travel employment weddings graduations or attendance at public events such as concerts and sporting events is not a valid excuse Forgetting the date or time of an examination is not a valid excuse If the student does not have a valid reason as explained above a 10 point penalty will be imposed All such makeup examinations must be arranged through the instructor with the approval of the course coordinator and students in such a situation should contact their instructors within 24 hours of the scheduled nal examination Students who have taken the original nal examination are not permitted to take a makeup examination COURSE GRADES Grades will be assigned on the basis of 500 points distributed as follow Achieve Homework Written Homework Quizzes In class Work Exams 1 2 100 each Final Exam Total 50 50 50 200 150 500 Final course grades will be assigned as follows 2 Grade Raw Score Minimum Percent A A B B B C C D F 465 500 450 464 435 449 415 434 400 414 385 399 350 384 300 349 0 299 93 90 87 83 80 77 70 60 0 HOMEWORK There are three types of assignments for this course 1 Online Homework on Achieve These assignments are completed online through your Achieve account There will be one assignment per section and so you will need to complete multiple sections per week You are responsible for activating your Achieve account no later than Tuesday January 18 Online homework will be worth 50 points of the grade 2 Written Homework There will be weekly written assignments that can be accessed through

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PSU MATH 230 - MATH 230 Course Syllabus

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