Isa Hussain The Red Planet Mars The Red Planet Two hundred and fifty million miles away and a lifelong question can we survive I think not There are many factors that can cause failure The one of utmost importance fluctuations in weather conditions Also just before we move on keep in mind that we can t take care of our planet that has livable conditions On Mars a tiny dust storm could turn into a tornado within minutes This could destroy colonies and wipe away incubation stations at any moment However let s just say you get lucky and can avoid any sort of natural disasters you would have to wear a protective suit just to visit you neighbor since the temperature is usually well below zero That combined with the fact that there is no air Many people overlook the fact that Mars has an atmosphere which can change dramatically at an extreme rate The most interesting concept is that we think that we can survive without any food or water This and the fact that the next shipment of rations would take 225 days to arrive Unless we don t create a machine that can convert the atmosphere of Mars I highly doubt that we will colonize the Red Plant any time soon 1 Water is essential for life on Earth Which property of water is the primary reason water is able to transport substances to and from cells in the bodies of animals 2 Aquatic organisms in lakes and ponds are often able to survive the winter underneath a layer of ice because the water underneath the ice remains liquid Which property of water is primarily responsible for creating these favorable conditions for aquatic life Questions Choose the best answer A Water is an excellent solvent B Water has cohesive properties C Water expands when it freezes D Water has a high heat capacity A A A Water is an excellent solvent B Water has cohesive properties C Water expands when it freezes D Water has a high heat capacity
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