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1 The actor is the first person to shape a production after the playwright False Question 2 1 1 pts 2 The director is responsible for the overall unity of a production and for coordinating the work of actors and designers False Question 3 1 1 pts 3 The traditional director s starting point or foundation is the script False Question 4 1 1 pts 4 Determining the spine of the play also referred to as the main action is not important to a traditional director True True True True False Question 5 1 1 pts 5 Everyman is a medieval morality play True True True False Question 6 1 1 pts 6 Important characters are frequently placed on a level above other characters False Question 7 1 1 pts 7 The director meets with designers to make sure their work is on schedule and keeping pace with the rehearsals False Question 8 1 1 pts 8 It is not important for the director to choose a time period and location to set the play in True True Fellowship God Good Deeds Knowledge False Question 9 1 1 pts 9 It is not important for the director to analyze the script False Question 10 5 5 pts 10 Match the character from Everyman to their primary objective or goal Confession Promises comfort and companionship but forsakes Everyman Calls Everyman to give an account of his life after rejecting mercy and choosing to live like a beast Unable to help at first meeting but counsels Everyman to take sister know ledge for help Comorts Everyman and gives the jew el of penance counsels to ask God for mercy and leads Everyman to put on the garment of sorrow w hich leads to forgiveness Leads Everyman to Confession Question 11 1 1 pts 11 The controlling idea vision or point of view that the director feels is appropriate for the play it should create a unified theatrical experience for the audience directorial concept Question 12 1 1 pts 12 Symbolic representation of abstract themes through characters action and other concrete elements of a play expressionism the auteur deconstruction naturalism allegory the spine farce Question 13 1 1 pts 13 Pattern and arrangement of performers movements onstage with respect to each other and to the stage space usually set by the director casting audition blocking auteur stage manager producer typecasting Question 14 1 1 pts 14 The individual who works on literary and historical issues with members of the artistic team mounting a theatre production dramaturg Question 15 1 1 pts 15 The individual who works as the right hand person to the director doing such tasks as taking notes keeping track of blocking noting decisions about visual elements communicating with all of the designers making sure everyone is aware of rehearsal schedules and keeping daily reports and logs dramaturg Question 16 1 1 pts 16 A rehearsal performed as if an audience were present with no stops or interruptions and with full lights scenery costumes and sound auteur stage manager producer Tuck and run Technical rehearsal Dress rehearsal Premiere

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