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Question 1 1 1 pts 1 Clothes do not indicate or signal any information regarding the wearer False Question 2 1 1 pts 2 The costume designer should never read the script before designing the show False Question 3 1 1 pts 3 The costume designer s first meeting with the director is at the dress rehearsal False Question 4 1 1 pts 4 Costumes should indicate the time period and location of a play True True True True False True True True Question 5 1 1 pts 5 Frequently the costume designer will distinguish the major characters by dressing them in distinctive colors in sharp contrast to the other characters False Question 6 1 1 pts 6 Costumes can underline important divisions between groups for example two feuding families would be costumed in different colors False Question 7 1 1 pts 7 The only important element of costume design is that the costume looks good nobody cares if it makes it difficult for the performer to dance or perform stage combat False Question 8 1 1 pts 8 Quick costume changes are also frequently called for in theatre Tear away seams and special fasteners are used so that one costume can be ripped off quickly and another put on often with the assistance of dressers False Question 9 1 1 pts 9 Sometimes a newly constructed costume is turned over to a design assistant for the purpose of distressing to make it look weathered or worn False Question 10 1 1 pts 10 The lighting designer scenic designer and costume designer all work independently in a production to create their own unique style False Question 11 1 1 pts 11 To choose a costume from an inventory owned by a theatre company or costume warehouse is called True True True pinch select build Question 12 1 1 pts 12 To create a costume from scratch in a costume shop spin Question 13 1 1 pts 13 Technicians who sew all of the costumes for a production are called pull conjure build weave stitchers tailors elves stefanoes Question 14 1 1 pts 14 Technicians who pattern pin and drape the fabric to fit the actors in a production pinners drapers nicolaoes the thrift store box trims accessories swatches shapers Question 15 1 1 pts 15 Hats walking sticks jewelry purses and parasols all fit into this element of costume design props Question 16 1 1 pts 16 Material attached to renderings which indicates the texture and color of the fabrics to be used shape 17 Pick the four elements a costume designer works with patches accessories persuasion color yoga fabric social engineering line shape and silhouette accessories flash photography

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