Drama 115 Section 002 Perspectives in Drama Professor Jeffrey Cornell Drama 115 002 Tuesday Thursday 9 30 10 45 Murphy 116 Class meets live in person Office Hours By appointment via Zoom Please feel free to email me at jeffcornell unc edu https sakai unc edu portal site dram115 002 fa21 Class sessions will be recorded for reference on Zoom and links posted to Sakai under Panopto Recordings will post shortly after the regular class session concludes But note that this will NOT be a synchronous virtual class it will meet in person If you prefer you may watch the class recordings Other class materials and videos can be found on Sakai under Resources and Reserves Overview This course will introduce you to a special selection of plays which are remarkable in western civilization This class fulfills both the Literary Arts LA and North Atlantic NA general education requirements We will read dramatic texts discuss their potential theatrical realization and engage in their critical analysis through such essential elements of drama as action character structure and language We will examine each play in its social and political context and explore prevailing theatre practice Video links to significant productions will offer the opportunity to see these texts as blueprints for fully staged theatrical events Course Objectives This course will enable you to Identify and explain the relationship of the elements of drama Explain some of the influences of society on its dramatic art Recognize the contributions of each playwright we study Evaluate interpretative decisions in staging a dramatic text Identify key movements in drama and explain their significance You will be assigned to write two 5 page papers The first will be a response paper to a production viewed on the Digital Theatre on line database link found under Resources on Sakai The assignment will ask you to respond to the content story of the play and how it was done the manner of the production s story telling Details to come We are hopeful that you will be able to attend live theatrical productions at PlayMakers Rep our resident professional theatre company performing on campus at the Paul Green Theatre in the Gillings Center for Dramatic Art We hope that you will be able to come and enjoy the first two productions Stick Fly and Yoga Play You will see these plays on your own outside of class with discussions about the productions happening in class We are planning for your second paper to be in response to the third production of the semester A Wrinkle in Time If this is not possible due to COVID restrictions you will instead watch outside of class another live captured theatrical productions on Digital Theatre Please note that attendance at the PlayMakers Rep productions will ask an additional fee of 10 for your student ticket This is a heavily discounted price for students but I wanted you to be aware of it If protocols allow you will attend all three 3 productions during the semester for an additional 30 cost less than a movie these days and a great bargain the shows are usually really good See www playmakersrep org Most importantly for our learning these productions will allow you to participate in live theatre the subject of our semester Required Text The Norton Anthology of Drama Shorter Third Edition Reading and Participation Reading and viewing assignments are expected to be completed by the date listed under Assignments on the Class Schedule in the Syllabus Readings will include introductory material in your text as well as sometimes supplementary material found after the play in your text I will be calling attention to certain sections of the play reading from our text Please have your text with you so that you can follow along and note these sections You will likely seem them again on quizzes Zoom classes will be posted for your reference on Sakai under Panopto after class every Tuesday and Thursday However again the class will meet live in person in Murphy 116 It is up to you whether you attend live sessions or watch recordings Any live polls conducted in class of course will not be available to you if you re watching virtually In class polls are not done for a grade or attendance but only for enhanced participation and discussion We will endeavor to have discussions in class but there will also be opportunity for questions and an exchange of ideas through participation in board questions posted under Forums on Sakai Evaluations There will be 3 quizzes and a final examination all administered on line under Tests and Quizzes on Sakai Quiz 1 Tuesday January 25th online Quiz 2 Thursday February 17th online Quiz 3 Tuesday March 29th online Final Exam Tuesday May 3rd 8 00 a m online The final exam will cover new material and is also cumulative to the beginning of the semester The first quiz will be 25 multiple choice questions taken on line and will scover Pipeline on Digital Theatre and the first play from our text Oedipus Rex It will be worth just 10 of your final grade This makes your first exam relatively low sakes and you ll get a chance to know what kinds of questions I ask The second and third quizzes will cover more material will be 40 muliple choice questions and are each worth 20 Similarly your first paper is worth 10 and your second is worth 15 The final exam will be 100 multiple choice questions with roughly 40 of those covering new material and will be worth 25 of your grade The quizzes will cover the plays and text readings class lectures videos links shown in class the Digital Theatre productions and or the PlayMakers Rep productions I will test your careful reading of the plays especially Do not expect to be able to read a plot synopsis or Sparknotes and expect to do well on the exams PowerPoint presentations offer some structure for note taking content but please realize that questions will come from ALL covered material assigned and discussed and from class lectures You do not need to come to class to take the on line quizzes although you may if you would like the peace and quiet of the classroom I will be there on the day These examinations are NOT open book however and you will be asked to check a box to begin your quiz attesting to your adherence at all times to the UNC Honor Code All examinations will go live at the start of our regular class time 9 30 a m EST under Tests and Quizzes in Sakai where you will find a link to begin your test If you have ARS accommodations please let me know I will leave
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