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ENGR 102 Engineering Freshman Academy Fall 2020 Section s 28518D Day Time W 3 00 4 50PM Location ONLINE Instructor Brent J Liu Associate Professor DRB 264 213 821 1912 brentliu usc edu Coaches Alyse Barlow ISE 425 753 3677 anbarlow usc edu Sheetal Madnani CHE 424 366 3621 madnani usc edu Course Goals Objectives The primary goal of the Engineering Freshman Academy is to introduce beginning engineering students to various aspects of engineering including the technical political ethical and societal impacts of the engineering field To that end emphasis in this course will be on the National Academy of Engineering NAE Grand Challenges for engineering Each section will focus on one of the NAE 14 Grand Challenges or related topics Such focus will provide an essential context for the class and frame the specific content for the course learning objectives Upon completion of the Engineering Freshman Academy course students will 1 Demonstrate an ability to think like an engineer Engineers are problem solvers using an iterative problem solving cycle and will consider the societal relevance for the solutions they develop Identify the societal and historical context of contemporary engineering and explain how history has informed contemporary engineering practice 2 3 Compare the potential of the engineering profession to other contemporary careers 4 Identify and describe ethical dilemmas in engineering for example by using the Grand Challenge context 5 Demonstrate a general understanding of engineering and its potential for example by 6 Demonstrate specific understanding of one of the 14 Grand Challenges on which the understanding the NAE Grand Challenges section of the course has been focused Textbook and Assigned Readings Materials There is no textbook for the course however comprehensive reading materials and other course resources will be posted on Blackboard and or provided in class 1 Class Requirements Structure Grading Policy This course includes one lecture discussion per week Wednesday 3 00PM 4 50PM ONLINE The course may also include team and total class discussions team activities or projects and lectures by experts The course will be graded with letter grades A F according to the following 1 Participation Attendance 20 Students are required to participate in discussions respond to email requests and act as responsible team members and colleagues to others in the class Completion of all in class assignments and attendance is MANDATORY If you plan on missing a class meeting or activity please provide advance notice to your course instructor You are responsible for any information covered in a class you don t attend 2 All Academy Lectures 10 There will be three all academy lectures during the semester You are required to attend two out of the three lectures and brief summary write up will be required for each academy lecture by the next scheduled class period Each attended lecture and associated write up will be worth 5 of your final grade and two lectures and write ups are required 3 Outside the class activities 30 The academy coaches will be organizing four out of the class activities throughout the semester You are required to attend three out of the four along with a brief write up required by the subsequent class period Each activity and write up will be worth 10 each Attendance of additional activities is encouraged but will not result in extra percentage points towards your final grade These activities consist of the following Two one on ones two on ones with their coaches throughout the semester Two USC Viterbi events from the following list USC Visions and Voices event Career Connections or USC Career Center event Viterbi Department colloquium or showcase or a similar approved event Viterbi lecture symposium 4 Homework 10 Homework assignments will be required due prior to the start of each class via submission on Blackboard or other means as determined by your faculty The homework assignments will be based upon the NAE Grand Challenge focus Please follow USC s guidelines on academic integrity across the entire content of the class from homework assignments to exams 5 Final Project 30 A collaborative team oriented design project will be completed during the semester that is aligned with one of the 14 NAE Grand Challenges This project will determined by the class group in discussion with one another and in consultation with the course 2 instructor and the course coaches There will be NO homework assignments other than the collaborative work on the group project 6 Replacement for ONE Homework assignment Students may substitute one homework assignment with participation in one or more career related event sponsored by the office of Student Engagement and Career Connections Students will be required to submit a reflective paper describing the career focused event and have it signed off by the appropriate Career Connections staff Check with your academy coach for recommendations Statement for Students with Disabilities Any student requesting academic accommodations based on a disability is required to register with Disability Services and Programs DSP each semester A letter of verification for approved accommodations can be obtained from DSP Please be sure the letter is delivered to the instructor or to the coach as early in the semester as possible DSP is located in STU 301 and is open from 8 30 a m 5 00 p m Monday through Friday 213 740 0776 Statement on Academic Integrity USC seeks to maintain an optimal learning environment General principles of academic honesty include the concept of respect for the intellectual property of others the expectation that individual work will be submitted unless otherwise allowed by an instructor and the obligations both to protect one s own academic work from misuse by others as well as to avoid using another s work as one s own All students are expected to understand and abide by these principles Scampus the Student Guidebook contains the Student Conduct Code in Section 11 00 while the recommended sanctions are located in Appendix A http www usc edu dept publications SCAMPUS gov Students will be referred to the Office of Student Judicial Affairs and Community Standards for further review should there be any suspicion of academic dishonesty The Review process can be found at http www usc edu student affairs SJACS GRAND CHALLENGES FOR ENGINEERING BACKGROUND AND CONTEXT The National Academy of Engineering has identified 14 Grand Challenges for

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USC ENGR 102 - Syllabus

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