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Coca Cola Performance Management System Student s Name Institution Affiliation Course Instructor Date Coca Cola Performance Management System Commercially the continued ease of market restrictions across the world has led to the Coca Cola company shifting into new foreign markets Global expansion forces employees to work around the world leaving their home countries Also the success of Coca Cola especially when operating in a global market place is dependent on employees as they are potential competitive edge The involved employees face high demand from broad assignments where mostly they fail to meet the organization s goals leading to business losses However despite the challenges with employees failing to meet their goals the organization continues to assign employees to the global assignment Therefore there is a need to examine the factors that influence expatriates success for the organization s general success Variables to address in an expatriate performance management system Different factors impact the expatriation process which may result in the success or failure of the organization These factors include adaptation cultural self knowledge personal attributes continuous communication and feedback and cultural factors More factors exist that determine the success or failure of expatriate assignments Therefore the performance management system should consider pre departure training as an essential factor as it covers how to adapt to different cultures Laine 2013 The highlighted variables should help to management department to select the right candidate during the expatriate assignment The expatriate programs in Coca Cola continue to increase hence there is a need to develop a useful and dependable management system for selecting and testing of expatriate personnel Elements to consider in the expatriate performance management system One of the major obstacles undermining expatriate personnel s success is the individual adaptation to the new country Elements such as sociocultural adaptation prevent effective performance within a new environment leading to low productivity lower than expected performance failure to meet corporate objectives and poor management Sociocultural adaptation refers to anxiety arising from losing al familiar symbols and signs of social intercourse There exist several factors that impact sociocultural adaptation such as language fluency and cultural knowledge Razafiarivony 2006 Other factors include the length of residence in the new culture amount of interaction acculturation strategies of the company and identification with host nationals During the sociocultural adaptation process when one fails to meet these factors it may produce stress and depression leading to a lack of productivity in the workplace or premature return Another element of cultural adaptation is the cultural distance which refers to the difference in home country cultural characteristics and that of host countries Also there is the element of psychological hardiness which covers attitudes such as commitment control and challenge A person experiencing stress can enhance mood and performance through commitment control and challenge The personal attributes variable covers elements such as perceived career path degree of international orientation and willingness to relocate The most important situation factors within this area are selection criteria training role clarity performance management system the relationship between the company and the expatriate and level of support The cultural self knowledge as another variable evaluates how culture determines how people conduct business and communicate with each other Razafiarivony 2006 As the Coca Cola company continues to conduct business at the international level it needs to include people from different cultures Elements within this variable include self knowledge mindset and cultural orientation The cultural factors as a variable exist as specific cultural dimensions and how they impact expatriate behavior There is a need to examine different cultural constructs when evaluating the connection between the success factors in expatriation and cultural self awareness Examples of these constructs include group vs individual and hierarchy vs egalitarian Others include high context vs low context and polychronic time orientation vs monochronic time orientation Razafiarivony 2006 Elements within family related factors include family in expatriate process and spouses Lastly continuous communication and feedback will help the organization to monitor the progress There is a need for internal communication for employees to understand the activities occurring at the headquarter The communication should help the employees to understand the vision mission and objectives of the organization Challenges with Conducting Performance evaluations for expatriates that differ from a traditional performance management system Different factors affect the actual performance of expatriates Challenges with conducting performance evaluations are due to employee resistance where they view the whole process as a negative endeavor There should be an outline of the procedure at the beginning of the evaluation The outline acts as a way of overcoming this challenge The management bias poses another challenge where the recent employee performance should not determine the overall evaluation Knappert 2013 There is a need to take notes about actions by employees Not linked to rewards is another challenge hindering the evaluation process especially if the traditional performance management system included a reward system During the review there should be an acknowledgment of the best performing employee The organization may be experiencing tough times leading to limiting offers In response productivity reduces due to a lack of extra effort Not focusing on development is another challenge affecting the performance evaluation due to the expatriate s lack of ways to improve Therefore the main area of focus by the employees will be outlining what is wrong Knappert 2013 Conducting internal communication is another challenge as a failure to engage employees in daily activities leads to a lack of feedback on areas requiring improvements References Laine R 2013 Important factors for expatriate success Knappert D P L 2013 Global Performance Management In The Multinational Enterprise Razafiarivony M A 2006 Expatriates and the Performance Management System Journal of Adventist

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Berkeley MBA 209F - Coca-Cola Performance System

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