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PED 110 FINAL PROJECT PART ONE Personal Fitness Program LAB 25C Pages 485 492 Name Lindsey Danielle Rose Date 12 6 2018 STEP 1 Establish Your Reasons List several of your primary reasons for doing a comprehensive activity plan along with evidence of the relevant factors showing a need for change 1 Increase in physical activity 2 Weight loss 3 Increase in cardiovascular workout 4 reduction in stagnancy 5 6 STEP 2 Self Assessments Record your rating from for each test below See page 485 Health Related Fitness Tests 1 Cardiovascular 12 minute run Good Fitness Zone 2 Cardiovascular step test Good Fitness Zone 3 Cardiovascular bicycle test Good Fitness Zone 4 Cardiovascular walking test Good Fitness Zone 5 Cardiovascular swim test Good Fitness Zone 6 Flexibility sit and reach test Good Fitness Zone 7 Flexibility shoulder flexibility Good Fitness Zone 8 Flexibility hamstring hip flexibility Good Fitness Zone 9 Flexibility trunk rotation Good Fitness Zone 10 Strength isometric grip Good Fitness Zone 11 Strength 1 RM upper body Good Fitness Zone 12 Strength 1 RM lower body Good Fitness Zone 13 Muscular endurance curl up Good Fitness Zone 14 Muscular endurance 90 degree push up Good Fitness Zone 15 Muscular endurance flexed arm support Good Fitness Zone 16 Fitness rating skinfold Good Fitness Zone 17 Body mass index Good Fitness Zone 18 Power Good Fitness Zone Skill Related Fitness Tests 1 Agility Good Fitness Zone 2 Balance Good Fitness Zone 3 Coordination Good Fitness Zone 4 Reaction Time Good Fitness Zone 5 Speed Good Fitness Zone 6 Fitness of the back Good Fitness Zone 7 Posture Good Fitness Zone Ratings Summaries Record your rating for each category Cardiovascular Good Fitness Zone Flexibility Good Fitness Zone Strength Good Fitness Zone Muscular Endurance Good Fitness Zone Body fatness Good Fitness Zone Power Good Fitness Zone Skill related fitness Good Fitness Zone Posture and fitness of the back Good Fitness Zone Physical Activity Pyramid Record the name of the stage that best represents your behavior for each of the five types of activities in the pyramid listed on page 487 Flexibility Maintenance Muscle Fitness Exercises Maintenance Vigorous Sports and Recreation Maintenance Vigorous Aerobics Maintenance Moderate Physical Activity Maintenance STEP 3 Set Specific Goals For each type of activity below indicate the number of days and weeks you plan to accomplish each activity Additionally record the number of exercises or minutes of exercise for each planned activity Days 4 Flexibility Exercises Days 4 Muscle Fitness Exercises Days 4 Vigorous Sports and Recreation Days Vigorous Aerobics Days 5 Moderate Physical Activity Number Minutes 15 mins Number Minutes 25 mins Number Minutes 1 5 hours Number Minutes Number Minutes 3 hours Weeks 4 Weeks 4 Weeks 4 Weeks Weeks 4 Write specific physical fitness goals below indicating the part of fitness each goal is focused on and when you expect to accomplish the goal in weeks 1 each week I would like to hit 10 000 steps 2 Improve my mile time for warmup 3 Work on flexibility and improve my back movement 4 STEP 4 Selecting Activities Indicate the specific activities you plan to perform from each area of the physical activity pyramid Record the length of time or the number of repetitions beside each activity Chart 3 Lifetime Physical Activity Selections Aerobics Lifestyle Activities Min Day Active Housework 20 4 Bicycling to work Machines Bicycling Min Day Sports Recreation Min Day Other Coaching 120 4 Water activity 20 4 Gardening Social dancing Walking Wheeling in wheelchair Yardwork Other Other Other Other Other Other Calf stretch Hip thigh stretch Groin stretch Hamstring stretch Back stretch Trunk twist Pectoral stretch Arm hug stretch 1 20 sec 1 20 sec 1 20 sec 1 20 sec 1 20 sec 1 20 sec 1 20 sec 1 20 sec Other Other Other Other Other Other Other Calisthenics 20 4 Dance Jogging Walking Skating Skiing Swimming 10 3 Other Other Other Other Other Other Bench press Biceps curl Triceps curl Lat pull down Seated rowing Wrist curl Knee ext Side leg raise Half squat Lunge Push up Crunch Plyometrics Other Other Basketball Bowling Golf Karate Mtn climbing Racquetball Skating Softball Skiing Soccer Volleyball Other Other Other Back saver stretch 1 20 sec Knee to chest Spine twist 1 20 sec 1 20 sec Hip thigh stretch 1 20 sec Cobra child s pose 1 20 sec Bridge variation 1 20 sec Superman 1 20 sec Abdominal brace 1 20 sec Neck rotation Isometric neck Chin tuck 1 20 sec 1 20 sec 1 20 sec Trapezius stretch 1 20 sec Other Other Other Flexibility Exercises Reps Sets Muscle Fitness Reps Sets Back and Neck Reps Sets STEP 5 Preparing a Written Plan Place a check in the boxes indicating each activity you expect to perform for each day you will do it Indicate the time of day you expect to perform the activity Example 7 30 to 8 00 AM In the spaces labeled Warm Up Exercises and Cool Down Exercises check the exercises you expect to perform Indicate the number of reps you will use for each exercise CHART 4 My Physical Activity Plan TUESDAY TIME WEDNESDAY TIME 10am 5pm 10am 5pm Sports Rec 330 530 Sports Rec 330 530 Flexibility 330 345 Flexibility 330 345 Muscle Fitness Muscle Fit Muscle Fit Back Neck 10am 5pm Back Neck 10am 5pm Back Neck 10am 5pm THURSDAY TIME FRIDAY TIME SATURDAY TIME TIME 10am 5pm 330 530 330 345 10am 5pm 330 530 330 345 10am 5pm MONDAY Moderate activity Aerobics Sports Rec Flexibility Warm up Other Moderate Aerobics Sports Rec Flexibility Muscle Fit Back Neck Warm up Other SUNDAY Moderate Aerobics Sports Rec Flexibility Muscle Fit Back Neck Warm up Other Moderate activity Aerobics Warm up Other Moderate Aerobics Sports Rec Flexibility Muscle Fit Back Neck Warm up Other Grapevine Knee stride Skip and reach Inchworm Calf stretch Leg hug Other 1min 1min 1min 1min 1min 1min Moderate activity Aerobics Warm up Other Moderate Aerobics Sports Rec Flexibility Muscle Fit Back Neck Warm up Other Calf Stretch Hamstring Leg hug Sit side str Zipper Other Other 1min 1min 1min 1min 1min TIME WARM UP REPS COOL DOWN REPS Walk Jog 10 mins Walk Jog 10 mins STEP 6 Keeping Records of Progress and Evaluating Your Plan Make copies of Chart 4 one for each week you plan to keep records Each day make a check by the activities you actually performed Include the times when you actually did the activities in your plan Periodically check your goals to see if they have been accomplished I do the same thing every week All four weeks RESULTS After performing the plan for a specific

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