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1 Danielle Rose MAT 172 February 5 2019 The Great Trigonometric Survey of India The great trigonometric survey of India was a mapping initiative taken once British rule began in India after the Battle of Plassey in 1757 as told by The Hindustan Times Essentially this massive undertaking expanded the footprint of British East India Company The Survey General of India was established in 1767 and published their first map of the area of Hindoostan in 1783 The Survey General of India began the massive on taking of the great trigonometric survey of India in 1802 This laid a foundation for measuring the country in a scientific manner The exercise was started from St Thomas Mount a small hillock in Chennai then Madras and extended till Mussorie According to New Delhi paper publishing this process that lasted for decades claimed the lives of so many Indian people more so than World War I and II combined Remarkably Mt Everest s height was measured by the Survey General of India with the basic calculations done by mathematician and chief computer Radhanath Sikdar At that time the calculations were challenged by many in Europe as they believed the Alps were higher However Sikdar s calculations prevailed The Hindustan Times European Union News did a piece on Colonel Sir George Everest He was a Welsh surveyor and geographer and Surveyor General of India between 1830 and 1843 He was the responsible party leading the completion of the Great Survey of India Being such a perfectionist Everest was relentless in his pursuit of accuracy making countless adaptations to surveying equipment methods and mathematics in order to minimize problems specific to the survey 2 European Union News Scientists later revisited the findings of Sir George and found that even hundreds of years ago his accuracy was that within 09 meaning that the data collected by the surveyors during this Great Trigonometric Survey of India was only off within a few feet Considering the rudimentary equipment available to him during 1830 1843 when he oversaw the processes of the surveying coupled with questionable terrain and varying weather this was an extraordinary achievement It was fascinating learning of this survey process From the countless deaths from malaria typhoid and a handful of other diseases Coupled with sun exposure and wild animals this on taking of surveying the continent of India by the British East India Company was nearly impossible Several decades it took to do so but victory prevailed for mathematicians globally The Survey General of India the institute that began it all celebrates its 250th birthday last year An institute that lasts longer than America has been a country speaks volumes as to its credibility and clout Cited Works 3 Mapping the country since 1767 Survey general of india completes 250 years today 2017 Apr 10 The Hindustan Times Retrieved from https login proxy033 nclive org login url https search proquest com docview 1885647554 accountid 9994 George Everest Great Trigonometric Survey of India European Union News 3 Nov 2017 Business Insights Global Web 5 Feb 2019 URL http bi galegroup com proxy033 nclive org global article GALE 7CA513131402 u nclivececc

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