1 Danielle Rose Barbara Rodriguez HUM150 LN1 2 September 2018 Question 1 In the late 18th and early 19th centuries the place of women according to the ideal of true womanhood was that in the center of the home being the caretaker nurturer and virtuous watch woman There was a distinct spherical division between the roles of woman and man This Protestant preached belief that a woman s role as a domestic gender was thoroughly challenged The boom of industry greatly changed household responsibilities re structured the division of labor between women and men and gave a great hand in enabling women to have careers as well as a voice in the workforce The emergence of industry in America gave birth to many innovative technologies available to the middle class This greatly influenced domestic life for women Cotton mills opened along many rivers up and down the east coast of America deeming what was once an in home job to women of creating yarn un necessary This under utilization of women in the home changed the requirement for women under the ideals of true womanhood pushing this ideology that women s place was in the home further into the past As this industrialization pushed the necessity of women farther out of the home this also changed the division of labor in the home between woman and man The emergence of mills in towns across America opened the door for a new labor force in women Women being displaced 2 across the farmlands of America sparked a need for them to earn a wage therefore creating an ideal opportunity for Mill owners to hire women at a cheaper rate but at the same time giving these women a better quality of life This new era of America greatly changed the roles of women and men with regards to labor Though women s labor rights were not significant and their wage was meager the opportunity to leave the domestic lifestyle and earn for themselves greatly changed the outlook of a woman s place in the world This huge step forward for women pushed them out of the home and offered a voice to them in the workforce and potential to gain a career Challenging domestic roles gave independence to women and marched women into the 19th century with more confidence to confront these submissive roles they were once part of The effect of industrialization was great with regards to domestic roles of women The division of labor in the home shifted pushing less fortunate women into the workforce and challenging the idea that only a man could earn a wage This was a leap forward into the process of giving women civil rights
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