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Reading Questions ANTH 3590 002 Week 3 Professor Eric Werner Bordwell Chapters 6 7 Spring 2019 1 What is the most common way to join to sections of film Cuts visual transformations when scenes are joined together to look like simultaneous actions are the most common way to join sections of film 2 How does accelerated rhythmic editing effect a scene Filmmakers use this technique to heighten the intensity of a moment creating a stressed accented scene 3 What is one of the three principal ways an editor can create an ellipsis to address time Elliptical editing shows action in such a way that it uses less time on the screen than in the story A director can do this by using a punctuation shot change like a dissolve wipe or fade A director can also use empty frames and also cutaways a shot of another event somewhere else that will last a shorter length than the action 4 What is the 180 rule in editing this also applies to mise en scene The space of a scene is often constructed along the axis of action at the 180 line The scene s action is assumed to have taken place along this half circle where the camera can be placed to show the action The filmmaker then plans and edits shots to respect this half circle 180 line and the mis en scence in each shot will be changed to portray that 180 space 5 What is a montage sequence often referred to as montage When filmmakers select edit and combine separate portions of film to make a continuous seeming whole 6 According to Bordwell what does Eisenstein s editing in October for example ask us as viewers to do with story events Einstein often use discontinuities in his editing that are said to stimulate viewers sense emotions and thinking This discontinuous editing makes a disorienting set of images but makes the audience actively assemble the events of the film making for a more engaged film 7 What are the three types of sound in cinema Loudness the sound s amplitude or breadth pitch the frequency of sound vibrations and the perceived highness or lowness of sound and timbre the harmonic components of sound make up the three types of sound in cinema 8 What are the four facets of film sound Rhythm fidelity space time make up the facets of film sound 9 What is asynchronous sound Asynchronous sound is out of sync sound in film which creates imaginative effects for the audience 10 What is one way that Christopher Nolan leverages voice over narration in The Prestige Christopher Nolan uses voice over narration to create a dramatic omniscient presence throughout the film

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