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1 Olson Spring 2022 COMM 3372 9381 Gender Media 244 COMM TTH Mailbox 101 Comm Office hours Mon 10 00 Wed 1 00 COURSE MEETINGS 1 00 2 30 Office 212 Comm Telephone 713 743 2881 UH email is a more efficient and preferred way to reach me We can schedule a phone call or video conference if you d prefer Bolson uh edu Please put the course name or number in the subject line of your email please note I do not typically check email or Blackboard on the weekends please be sure you ve spelled my last name correctly especially if you don t receive a reply there are two Os in Olson Office hours Two virtual optional office hours are scheduled each week Mondays 10 00 10 50 and Wednesdays 1 00 1 50 Individual meetings are allso available by appointment via phone Facetime Teams or zoom meeting COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is designed to introduce students to topics and issues concerning gender and media Course content includes 1 an introduction to content research questions and analyses 2 in five media areas print television music advertising and film 3 from historical and primarily current perspectives LEARNING OUTCOMES It is hoped that when students finish the course they will be able to 1 interpret the content issues and basic research questions in the field along with the tentative answers researchers offer to these questions 2 evaluate the historical development of gender representation in media and 3 compare and contrast with current trends in these areas REQUIRED READING Course readings of journal articles and book chapters will be available on Blackboard and Top Hat Some of the readings are from three books Lont Women and Media Lewis Gender Politics and MTV chapters 2 6 and LaFrance 2nd ed Men media masculinity textbook and workbook Kendall Hunt You do not need to purchase chapters are uploaded to Blackboard REQUIRED WEBSITE www uh edu blackboard and Top Hat Please note you will need to use your Cougarnet ID and password to login to Blackboard In addition journal articles and quizzes will be found on Top Hat webpage Join code is provided below There is a charge if you re not already subscribed to it in addition to a fee for this semester Please know it s not quite ready yet roster hasn t been uploaded quizzes won t start until Week 2 You will also need your Cougarnet ID and password to access journal articles within Top Hat when linked to the UH library data base We will be using the Top Hat www tophat com student tool for class participation and assessment of learning quizzes You will be able to submit answers to in class questions using Apple or Android smartphones and tablets laptops or through text message 2 You can visit the Top Hat Overview https success tophat com s article Student Top Hat Overview and Getting Started Guide within the Top Hat Success Center which outlines how you will register for a Top Hat account and provides a brief overview to get you up and running on the system An email invitation has been sent to your email but if you don t receive this email you can register by simply visiting our course website https app tophat com e 633258 Note our Course Join Code is 633258 The pricing options for Top Hat used in unlimited courses are One Semester Price 30 00 One Year Price 48 00 Lifetime 4 years Price 94 00 Should you require assistance with Top Hat at any time due to the fact that they require specific user information to troubleshoot these issues please contact their Support Team directly by way of email support tophat com the in app support button or by calling 1 888 663 5491 COURSE POLICIES AND REQUIREMENTS UNIVERSITY POLICIES Required Language for Courses with a Face to Face Component Face Covering Policy To reduce the spread of COVID 19 the University strongly encourages everyone vaccinated or not to wear face coverings indoors on campus including classrooms for both faculty and students Presence in Class Your presence in class each session means that you o Are NOT exhibiting any Coronavirus Symptoms that makes you think that you may have COVID 19 o Have NOT tested positive or been diagnosed for COVID 19 o Have NOT knowingly been exposed to someone with COVID 19 or suspected presumed COVID 19 If you are experiencing any COVID 19 symptoms that are not clearly related to a pre existing medical condition do not come to class Please see Student Protocols for what to do if you experience symptoms and Potential Exposure to Coronavirus for what to do if you have potentially been exposed to COVID 19 Consult the Undergraduate Excused Absence Policy for information regarding excused absences due to medical reasons COVID 19 Information Students are encouraged to visit the University s COVID 19 website for important information including on campus testing vaccines diagnosis and symptom protocols campus cleaning and safety practices report forms and positive cases on campus Please check the website throughout the semester for updates 3 Vaccinations Data suggests that vaccination remains the best intervention for reliable protection against COVID 19 Students are asked to familiarize themselves with pertinent vaccine information consult with their health care provider The University strongly encourages all students faculty and staff to be vaccinated Reasonable Academic Adjustments Auxiliary Aids The University of Houston complies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 pertaining to the provision of reasonable academic adjustments auxiliary aids for disabled students In accordance with Section 504 and ADA guidelines UH strives to provide reasonable academic adjustments auxiliary aids to students who request and require them If you believe that you have a disability requiring an academic adjustments auxiliary aid please contact the Justin Dart Jr Student Accessibility Center formerly the Justin Dart Jr Center for Students with DisABILITIES Excused Absence Policy Regular class attendance participation and engagement in coursework are important contributors to student success Absences may be excused as provided in the University of Houston Undergraduate Excused Absence Policy for reasons including medical illness of student or close relative death of a close family member legal or government proceeding that a student is obligated to attend recognized professional and educational activities where the student is presenting and University sponsored activity or athletic competition Under these policies students with

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UH COMM 3372 - Syllabus

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