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Promise Obamoruwa 9 19 19 University middle school grade 7 How did you get the background and skills necessary to run this type of business I obtained my skills by just trying new things with stocks trial and error I was tired of being poor and i didnt want to work for anyone How do the social economic environmental technological legal and political environments impact your business environment is a big factor i ve come up with some concepts since hurricane Harvey to have a business that could withstand and keep running during tropical storms and hurricanes in extreme cases I can reroute all my business operations through european servers which maintain and keep the software running Do you know who your competitors are i don t consider myself to have any competitors it s all in a matter of how much money you want to make and when it s not so much on trying to be better than somebody else How do you market your business How are people aware of your business i dont currently market anything as there s not much to market although there are plans to introduce assets people can invest into through our marketplace Where do you see your business in the next year In the next five years The next ten years the business next year will be worth close to 100 000 I m aiming for 1 million I m very confident I can at least meet 100 000 Next 5 years will be a great big change if things keep going as they are investors will be added ads will be shown nationwide social media as well as billboards i m planning on expanding to eastern europe next year it will be to see where the market is and how my company can contribute to a global economy from there we can create an expandable market for multiple companies anywhere in the world I know europe is in a startup boom and some countries are geared towards becoming centralized hubs How did you get started in this business i got started in this business more on a test of theory nothing was tested before hand there were theories that seemed interesting when i came up with the idea i registered the business 30 minutes later i knew i was on to something How has technology such as computers and the internet impacted on how you conduct business technology plays a big part i built all the software myself every piece of software i use is an investment strategy like i mentioned before if there s an environmental issue we can send our resources to outsource our software outside the country to avoid any operational delays and difficulties i see the software we use like a modern day oil well and refinery anyone can use a shovel to dig into the ground and find oil but it takes a system of processes to turn it into something valuable that can be distributed to others i see data the same way anyone can get a computer but there s software that is needed in order to process it into information within a reasonable time period Why is your business located at this site i put my business on discord because there s entrepreneurs an investors on discord people i can learn from i seek advice from people smarter than me people in real estate people who hold multiple credit cards people who fly planes a multitude of things i wouldn t accomplish if i didnt have people to receive insight from even a bit of rivalry Whom do you seek advice from for your business people who have achieved much more than me some are even ex military who see much more in me than i do What do you do with your profits the profits are currently being held into cash reserves with a talk about a recession the business is in conservative mode it s very liquid currently but in the future the profits will be able to invest in global companies and encourage an import export system

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UMS ENG 123 - Assignment

Course: Eng 123-
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