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This study source was downloaded by 100000801384152 from CourseHero com on 04 03 2022 12 19 43 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 45750795 Ecology Concepts LRdoc BioLab3Ecology Concepts Lab Report Name date course and section required for password I Producers1 Distinguish between an autotroph and a heterotroph Provide two specific examples Autotroph Organisms that produce their own energy by converting the sunlight to chemical energy Ex Plants Heterotroph Organisms that cannot produce their own energy and must obtain it from autotrophic organisms Ex Humans 2 Describe Elodea Why is it a producer Elodea is a vascular aquatic plant with more than one layer of cells It is a producer because it has chloroplasts which means it is a photosynthetic 3 What are the spherical green structures found in leaf cytoplasm What is their function 4 Chloroplasts and their function is to house the chlorophyll that traps the sun s energy II Consumers1 Based on Lab Section II Exercise 2 define and give an example of each of the following Carnivore Organisms that eat another organisms flesh Ex Tiger Parasite An organism that lives and feeds on or in an organism of a different species and causes harm to its host Ex Hookworm2 What is a Paramecium Paramecia are single celled protists that are naturally found in aquatic habitats III Decomposers1 Name two groups of decomposers Cocci and Fungi 2 What is a detritivore Decomposers that feed on particles of organic matter that are produced by the partial decomposition of anima land plant tissues 3 Give an example of a detritivore 2016 Access Learning Systems B1 This study source was downloaded by 100000801384152 from CourseHero com on 04 03 2022 12 19 43 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 45750795 Ecology Concepts LRdoc Dung Beetle 4 What is the difference between sporangiophores and sporangia Sporangiophores are specialized hyphae that elevates on top of the food supply and support sporangia while sporangia are container of spore that give rise to neg mycelium5 What are rhizoids The root like hyphae that penetrate the food supplyIV Abiotic Material1 What is abiotic material Abiotic components include physical conditions and non living resources that affect living organisms in terms of growth maintenance and reproduction 2 Name the molecules that cycle through living systems Water CO2 and Phosphate V Relationships Between Organisms1 What role does ATP play in the metabolism of organisms ATP is the molecule that transfers energy throughout a cell 2 Name and describe four trophic levels Trophic LevelWhere It Gets FoodExample1st Trophic Level ProducerMakes its own foodPlants make food2nd Trophic Level Primary ConsumerConsumes producersMice eat plant seeds3rd Trophic Level Secondary ConsumerConsumes primary consumersSnakes eat mice4th Trophic Level Tertiary ConsumerConsumes secondary consumersHawks eat snakes3 Draw and label a food web containing at least four trophic levels Use specific organisms and identify each trophic level List three abiotic components associated with the food web Sign date and prepare an image of your drawing and include it with this lab report 4 Write the general equation summarizing photosynthesis 2016 Access Learning Systems B2 This study source was downloaded by 100000801384152 from CourseHero com on 04 03 2022 12 19 43 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 45750795 Ecology Concepts LRdoc 6CO2 6H20 energy C6H12O6 6O2 Carbon dioxide water energy from light produces glucose and oxygen 5 Writethe general equation summarizing cellular respiration Glucose Oxygen Carbon Dioxide Water ATP6 Based on Lab Section V Exercise 4 identify the organisms that compete for food in the food web VI Flow of Energy1 An omnivore such as a raccoon can obtain nutrition by eating plant and animal material Which source most efficiently utilizes the sun s energy The plant material2 Draw an energy pyramid and label each part Sign date and prepare an image of your drawing and include it with this lab report Summary Questions1 What term describes the place where an organism lives Habitat2 What is the difference between a food chain and a food web 2016 Access Learning Systems B3Competitors This study source was downloaded by 100000801384152 from CourseHero com on 04 03 2022 12 19 43 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 45750795 Ecology Concepts LRdoc Powered by TCPDF www tcpdf org A food web is containing many food chains interwoven together3 What term is used to describe a secondary consumer Carnivore4 Explain how energy enters flows and exits an ecosystem Energy enters the ecosystem in the form of sunlight it flogs through the ecosystem by gay of food and herbs then it leaves the ecosystem as log grade heat at each trophic level 5 Explain how abiotic materials cycle in an ecosystem Abiotic materials are absorbed by producers that are eaten by consumers which remains is used by decomposers to make abiotic material6 Describe the difference between the movement of energy and the movement of abiotic material in an ecosystem Abiotic materials movements are arranged in a closed cycle while the energy flog is open 7 What determines the trophic level to which an organism belongs Trophic levels are decided by what each organism eats for energy 8 Name the four components of an ecosystem Give an example of each 9 Producers plants consumers herbivores decomposers bacteria abiotic 10 material gaterProducers plants consumers herbivores decomposers bacteria abiotic material water 2016 Access Learning Systems B4

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Columbia University BUSI B0001 - Ecology Concepts Lab Report

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