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Economics 104 Intro to Macroeconomics Robert Pollin January 26 2022 SHORT PAPER ASSIGNMENT 1 As noted in the course syllabus these papers should be no more 400 600 words i e 1 2 pages long single spaced or 2 5 paragraphs For this first assignment especially shorter is more appropriate If you can do a good job in under 400 words so much the better Also as noted in the syllabus these first essays are due in your sections on Friday February 4 Please turn in hard copies of the assignment to your teaching assistant in the sections The papers will be graded as pass revise fail Other than in very exceptional circumstances papers turned in past the deadline will automatically be graded fail This assignment has three interrelated questions Please make sure to cover all three parts 1 Write down one fact observation or idea in the broad realm of economics that you know to be true 2 Explain how you know this fact observation or idea is true 3 Explain why your answer to question 2 above is an adequate justification for saying that you know your fact observation or idea from question 1 is true

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