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Department of Chemical Engineering PRC3701 Advanced Process Control 2022 Timed Online Assessment 1 Minor test Duration 24 Hours Total 50 Marks First Examiner Dr K Mphahlele Second examiner Prof AV Kolesnikov Third examiner Mr K Ledwaba Instruction to candidates Answer all the questions Submit in PDF format only If the information available is not complete please assume and specify the required value and continue with the exam paper 1 Question 2 Find the Laplace transform for the following equation below Question 1 Linearize 2 1 when 0 1 2 1 4 2 2 1 0 Question 3 Find the inverse Laplace transform for 2 9 2 3 1 2 Question 4 Given that 2 2 4 3 1 0 0 0 0 Total 50 Marks UNISA 2022 2 8 marks 5 7 12 marks 10 marks 20 marks Convert this differential equation into an algebraic equation using Laplace Transforms to solve the equation and then invert the equation back into the time domain Table 1 Table of Laplace transforms adapted from the study guide for MAT3700 L Unit impulse t 1 L a 1 2 3 Study guide 2 page 55 3 ft 1Fs Fs ftaasnt1 1 2 3 nnsn bte1sb sinat22asa cosat22ssa sinhat22asa atcosh22ssa btnet1 1 2 3 nnsbn sintat2222 assa costat22222 sasa sinhtat2222 assa coshtat22222 sasa sinbteat 22asba atebtcos 22 sbsba atebtsinh 22asba atebtcosh 22sbsba Htc cses ctFctH csefs at ase L L L 4 ftFs 0 ftsFsf 2 0 0 ftsFssff

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UNISA PRC 3701 - Timed Online Assessment 1: Minor test

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