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Diversity is the way we view the world as well as each other I believe that diversity is an important part of our lives because it opens new doorways for us to learn You will meet new friends and different lifestyles because of the diversity of our society I have experienced diversity in the world especially when I came to Penn State because I met many new people around the world and learned the ways they were raised and how they lived their lifestyles Prompt 1 Prompt 2 For this prompt I chose the film White Like Me In this film the theme covers white privilege as they explore racism This film covers how middle class Americans look at society as a race based entitlement White privilege is spoken upon numerous times in this film and how it shapes individuals as well as their attitudes This film was created to show how white people are adapted into this culture because of the society that they are surrounded by The narrative of this film can be changed by our national racial narrative to keep moving forward together The past is the past and people are different in today s society and the past shouldn t be forgotten about but not treated like it s still part of life There is still anger with white privilege civilians I believe that we need to move on from the past and move together as a country We need an America that is ready to do justice for everyone Prompt 3 For this example I will choose the Penn state football team Penn State football is very accepting of different races and ethnicities We have numerous players on the team who are different colors and race All the players get along with each other and are very accepting of all races The male gender is the only gender accepted in this sport because it is a male sport The only better way we can improve race is by having more diversity on the team and players becoming invested in the lives of those who are new But all in all Penn State is very accepting of race and color

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PSU ENGL 015A - Writing Assignment #2

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