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The most important thing that I took away from the upper class student athletes when they discussed how they dealt with academics as well as college life as a freshman was being able to manage your time properly We all know that college is very time consuming Especially being a student athlete you are basically working two full time jobs It is extremely hard to manage your time between going to class and doing your work going to practice and working out and going out on the weekends with your friends I think hearing this from them was very valuable because being a student athlete I relate to this very closely I think after hearing that I have a better understanding of how I will manage my time and know when I have time to go out and have fun with my friends One thing I was surprised about after having the in class conversation was that even being an upperclassmen they still use the Morgan Academic Center to study if they want more quiet time or just a place to study I figured after you move into an apartment the students would not attend the Morgan Academic Center because they are older and don t live as close as they used to However the students said they still consistently use the MAC every week to complete their work and take time out to study The MAC is still extremely useful and I know going forward as I get older I will still continue to use the MAC for my work and still use the free tutors that we are provided

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PSU LER 100 - Reflection 4

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