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EXPLAIN HOW DIVERSITY BENEFITS A WORKING TEAM 1 MT340M3 3 Explain how diversity benefits a working team Purdue Global University Discuss diversity in the workplace Identify at least 10 different types of diversity Diversity in the workplace refers to selecting hiring and placing individuals from different races gender ethnicity age religion and socioeconomic status among others Diversity in the workplace enhances equality and encourages workers to appreciate their colleagues despite social political and economic disparities Organizations should enhance diversity because of the many benefits that accrue from cohesion and collaboration among teams and groups Diversity also enables the management to establish a robust and sustainable organizational culture that is vital in enhancing its competitive edge Diversity also enables employees to adopt a globalization culture that enables them to work with teams emanating from different parts of the world As a result global integration and cohesion enhance global tranquility and improve the socioeconomic conditions of the global populous Organizations should establish a robust legal policy and regulatory framework to institutionalize diversity in the workplace The management should also train employees about the need to maintain diversity and adopt multiculturalism while working in groups McCann Sparks Kohntopp 2017 Diversity also encourages multinationals to boost the morale and motivation of employees which translates to high productivity and increased value of stakeholders investments As a result investors commit additional resources to the organization EXPLAIN HOW DIVERSITY BENEFITS A WORKING TEAM 2 that enable it to have sufficient capital to fund its operational innovation research and expansion plans and maintain a positive profitability momentum Ten different types of diversity include cultural diversity religious diversity racial diversity gender diversity age diversity sexual orientation diversity disability diversity social status diversity political diversity and economic diversity The different types of diversity underscore the need for organizations to integrate an inclusive workforce and incorporate equality policies Explain how deep level diversity differs from surface diversity Deep level diversity differs from surface diversity in the following ways First the definition of deep level diversity is diversity whose traits are intangible and inherent such as attitudes cultures religion beliefs and values among others Schoss et al 2020 On the other hand surface diversity entails attributes that are tangible such as sex race disability and age among others Based on the difference in definition deep level diversity requires intricate analysis and assessment Intangible traits require policymakers and relevant stakeholders to develop elaborate mechanisms to solve problems that arise from deep level diversity Managers should assess the behaviors of their groups and team members to ascertain the extent of deep level diversity within the team Schoss et al 2020 The assessment results enable group leaders to develop corrective interventions and policies to enhance collaboration among teams and improve the chances of achieving their individual and collective objectives Second deep level diversity requires holistic interventions to enhance success of group activities which includes the integration of psychosocial and spiritual attributes On the other EXPLAIN HOW DIVERSITY BENEFITS A WORKING TEAM 3 hand surface diversity requires less complex problem solving mechanisms and group organization structures Therefore training and development is a vital component of enhancing the success of deep level diversity because it equips managers with the requisite knowledge and skills to establish a diverse team and maintain long lasting collaborations among group members A comprehensive analysis of deep level diversity is critical because failure to address such issues may result in discrimination bias and prejudice Many organizations have collapsed because of employees who cannot tolerate their colleagues from different cultures As a result such organizations cannot operate in new markets and multicultural environments which limits their ability to capitalize on globalization opportunities and economies of scale Further failure to address deep level diversity creates a dysfunctional organizational culture of mistrust that hinders the organization from achieving its mission vision and objectives Schoss et al 2020 Group members also lose morale and motivation to work as a team which disparages their personal and career ambitions Explain how diversity might benefit the group Describe some of the issues that teams experience with diversity and how these issues can be addressed in a beneficial way Diversity benefits the group in the following ways First diversity in the workplace encourages productivity among group members Diversity encourages group members to focus on achieving their personal and collective goals by eliminating distractions that emanate from the negative impacts of discrimination and prejudice Diversity enables group members to work in collaboration and partnership which results in high productivity Integrating diversity in group EXPLAIN HOW DIVERSITY BENEFITS A WORKING TEAM 4 activities has a positive psychological impact on group members performances and encourages them to work in appreciating people from diverse cultures and leverage opportunities that accrue from teamwork Second diversity enables the management to establish a robust organizational culture that encourages investments and global partnerships McCann Sparks Kohntopp 2017 Diversity is part of globalization policies that encourage international trade and commerce underscoring the need to institutionalize it The management can also encourage group members to develop their leadership abilities by establishing intercultural exchange programs and inclusivity forums in which group members share their ideas view and suggestions to improve their performances Third diversity enhances innovation and creativity among group members which develops their careers and socialization Issues that teams experience while integrating diversity include opposition and resistance from group members insufficient resources and ineffective policies to institutionalize inclusivity and diversity Groups should address such issues by investing in training and development programs to educate members on

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