Topic The Expressive Macro Skills Speaking I Nature and Purpose of Speaking Speaking does not only make sound by the speech organs but ideas and emotions Speaking is the active use of language to express meaning so that other people can make sense of them therefore the label of productive use of language can be applied to speaking Production of a speech sound is divided into four interrelated processes The initiation of the air stream normally in the lungs phonation in the larynx through the operation of Speech Production vocal folds Three Stages of Speech Production Conceptualization the action or process of forming a concept or idea of something Formulation the action of devising or creating something Articulation involves the use of organs of speech to produce sounds Self monitoring and Repair and articulation Self monitoring happens concurrently with the stages of conceptualization formulation Repairs hand in hand with monitoring is the ability to make running Automaticity is the ability to do things without occupying the mind with the low level details required allowing it to become an automatic response pattern or hobbit Fluency is defined as the ability to read with speech accuracy and proper expression Speed Pausing The length of run 5 Speaking Rules 1 Don t study grammar too much 2 Learn and study phrases 4 Submerge yourself 5 Study the correct material 3 Reading and listening is not enough Practice what you hear Managing Talk Interaction Turn taking Paralinguistic Purpose of Speaking To inform sharing information towards an audience To persuade persuasive speech can be distinguished from an informative speech by the fact that it includes a call for action for the audience to make some change in their behavior of thinking To entertain an entertaining speech can be either informative of persuasive at its root but the context or theme of the speech requires speakers to think about the speech primarily in terms of audience enjoyment Mechanics and Process of Speaking Three mechanisms that we use to produce speech are respiration at the lungs phonation at the larynx and articulation in the mouth Stages of the Speaking Process Breathing is primarily concerned with maintaining life secondarily a force assisting vocalization It consists of two phases inhalation and exhalation Lungs serves as the reservoir of air Diaphragm a large sheet of muscle separating the chest from the abdomen Phonation Stage phonation takes place when voice is produced in speaking as the expiratory air stream from the lungs goes up through the trachea or windpipe to the larynx Larynx principal organ of Phonation Vocal cords a pair of bundles of muscles and cartilages Trachea passageway of the air going up from the lungs Resonation Stage the voice produces in phonation is weak It becomes strong and rich when applied and modified by human resonators Resonation is the process of voice amplification and modification tongue articulation Pharynx located behind the nose and mouth includes the cavity at the back of the Mouth divided into the vestibule and oral cavity proper Articulation Stage articulation occurs when the tone produced in the larynx is changed into specific sounds This is the result of the movement of the articulators towards the point of Teeth embedded in the alveolar ridge or the gum ridge of the oral cavity Lips can be moved into numerous position essential to articulation Tongue flexible organ consisting of muscle glands and connective tissues II Speech Styles and Registers Austin and Searle s Speech Acts Speech Style According to Marin Joos 1976 156 speech styles means the form of language that the speaker uses which characterized by the degree of formality 5 Classes of Speech Style events and ceremonies Frozen it is the most formal communicative style that is usually used during respectful Examples marriage vow prayers oath taking ceremonies etc Intimate is used in conversation between people who are very close and know each other quite well because they have the maximum of shared background information Examples Couple talking about their future plans family sharing ideas very close friends sharing secrets etc Formal in this speech style the speaker avoids using slang terminologies what the speaker says is something that has been prepared beforehand Its complex sentence and noun phrases are well structured logically sequences and strongly coherent Examples Meeting Job Interview SONA announcements etc Casual the is an informal communication between groups and peers Casual style is used in conversation between friend and insiders who have something to share and have shared background information but don t have close relations Consultative this is used in semi formal communication sentences end to be shorter and spontaneous the speaker does not usually plan what he she wants to say Examples communication between Teacher and student doctor patient employers and employees etc Registers communicative situation Speech Acts A register is a variety of language used for a particular purpose or in a particular A speech act is an utterance that serves a function in communication A speech act might contain just one word or several words or sentences J L Austin created Speech Act Theory Three Types of Speech Act Locutionary Act is the actual act of uttering or saying something Illocutionary Act is the social function of what is said Perlocutionary Act refers to the consequent effects of what was said Example It is raining outside John Searle Searle s Classification of Speech Acts Assertives this type of illocutionary act allows the speaker to express his belief about the truth of an intention Some examples of an assertive are boasting suggesting swearing putting forward and concluding Directives an illocutionary act which the speaker tries to make the receiver perform an action Some examples of directive are ordering asking inviting requesting begging and advising Commisives this type commits the speaker to do something in the future Examples of commissive are planning promising betting and vowing Expressives an illocutionary act which allows the speaker to express his her emotional reactions Some examples of expressive are apologizing thanking deploring and Declarations this type of illocutionary act brings a change in the external situation welcoming Example of declaration is firing III Review on Segmental Suprasegmental etc Speaking Formats What is Segment and Suprasegmental The term segment is any
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