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U N I V E R S I T Y O F P U G E T S O U N D School of Business and Leadership BUSINESS 305 Fall 2020 Principles of Management Section A 8 00 9 20am Section B 12 30 1 50pm Class Locations Tuesdays in Wyatt 101 Thursdays on Zoom Link is on Canvas Section A https pugetsound edu zoom us j 95291172144 pwd Z3FuTmxlblVZdEhTWTBXSzdKUWRuUT09 passcode is 305Astart though you should not need it Section B https pugetsound edu zoom us j 98509903675 pwd eDF3Q2tUKzc1b3U2aTluK3JSZk5zdz09 passcode is 305Bstart though you should not need it Lynnette Claire PhD Professor McIntyre 111B Office lclaire pugetsound edu Email Phone 253 879 3576 office 253 756 8896 cell Virtual Office Hours Wednesdays 10 00 11 00 and by appointment on GoogleMeet Walking Office Hours The meeting name is ProfClaire and will work when you are logged in to the G Suite with your pugetsound edu credentials Tuesdays 11 00 12 00 Thursdays 10 00 11 00 and by appointment If no one arrives in the first half hour or lets me know that they will be arriving in the second half hour I reserve the right to no longer walk around particularly if it is raining I will circle back to the library every five minutes or so unless I am actively meeting with someone Course Description Each of us operates in organizational environments every day classes work clubs sports teams etc Some of these organizations operate efficiently and effectively while others struggle to meet their goals Why Principles of Management provides the building blocks to understand how organizations function and the techniques to address the challenges that managers face in directing them You will explore how organizations function in different cultural environments You will engage with topics in written oral visual and kinesthetic ways We will investigate multiple levels of the organization interaction between an organization and its environment the internal workings of an organization as a whole and the motivation and decision making processes of individuals within organizations Principles of Management constitutes the first course in management at the University of Puget Sound and serves as one of five foundation courses that prepares students for more advanced coursework and organizational life Program Goals and Course Objectives BUS305A B Principles of Management Syllabus Spring 2021 The School of Business and Leadership strives to provide you with a unique and innovative business education that prepares you for success as leaders in a complex dynamic global environment In addition the School of Business and Leadership seeks to reinforce the skills and values of the liberal arts education provided across all disciplines at the University of Puget Sound In this course you will advance your business acumen and your liberal arts education by pursuing the following goals Improve your ability to manage yourself in an organization Understand individuals behavior in organizations Understand the techniques that managers use to make an organization successful Recognize the opportunities and challenges of adapting management techniques to a diverse global environment Understand how complex environments influence organizations Communicate in oral written and visual forms clearly succinctly and Formulate actionable questions Identify evaluate and utilize management research persuasively Course Expectations 1 Class time will combine lecture discussion and activities that help us understand and expand upon preparatory work Prior to each class you are expected to a complete assigned readings videos podcasts b think about the day s topic s c write answers to focus questions and submit them d make connections between course materials your experiences and other knowledge e process and record your own thoughts 2 I expect honesty and academic integrity from you in all aspects of class If you are not clear on the University of Puget Sound s standards please familiarize yourself with our Student Integrity Code https www pugetsound edu student life personal safety student handbook student integrity code Notably you are expected to conduct yourself responsibly and honorably in all your academic activities to be fair minded and honest with all members of the Puget Sound community and to respect their safely right privileges and property 3 I am committed to creating an inclusive learning environment Please notify me if aspects of this course create barriers to your participation I need your feedback to improve 4 You need to be present and prepared both with the content and with the body mind energy necessary If you are not in class you will find this course unnecessarily challenging Please make every effort to be prepared for class and to be fully present Tips for being present in live class 2 Tips for being present in a virtual classroom BUS305A B Principles of Management Syllabus Spring 2021 a We now have the privilege of being together We need to wear masks properly and stay at least six feet apart to retain this privilege Unfortunately this means no eating or drinking in class Please wake up a bit earlier and have breakfast before class It truly does help you think We will have a short break about halfway through class Stand up Move Go outside You can eat and drink outside if you wish b Hopefully you are not going to be tempted by your electronic devices in class haven t we maxed out on our devices You are encouraged to take notes in whatever form is most useful to you However due to the distraction potential of electronic devices to both you and your classmates if you use an electronic device in class you will be expected to demonstrate that you are using it for legitimate class purposes If you are using it to surf the web check your e mail etc you will be asked to turn it off and to not use your device in class in the future Please turn your phone off before entering the classroom Really If it is on you will be tempted to check text and that will not lead to a good outcome If there is a legitimate need for you to be available via phone please talk to me before class starts You can check your phone during our break if needed a Arrive to our conversation space a few minutes early to ensure that your internet connection camera and microphone are working If you do not have technology with these basics please discuss your limitations with me b Turn ON your camera Seeing each other will help us maintain a sense of community and accountability Use a virtual background if you are concerned about

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Puget Sound BUS 305 - BUS305 Syllabus Spring 2021

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