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Stoichiometry Worksheet Answer the following questions using stoichiometry to convert between moles of one substance and moles of another substance within a reaction Given the following reaction C5H12 8 O2 5 CO2 6 H2O 1 How many moles of oxygen O2 are needed to react completely with 3 67 moles of pentane C5H12 2 If 3 67 moles of pentane C5H12 are completely reacted with oxygen how many moles of carbon dioxide CO2 will be produced 3 If 3 67 moles of pentane C5H12 are completely reacted with oxygen how many moles of water H2O will be produced Given the following reaction 2 AgNO3 Na2CO3 Ag2CO3 2 NaNO3 4 How many moles of sodium carbonate Na2CO3 are needed to react completely with 9 24 moles of silver nitrate AgNO3 5 If 9 24 moles of silver nitrate AgNO3 are completely reacted with sodium carbonate how many moles of silver carbonate Ag2CO3 will be produced 6 If 9 24 moles of silver nitrate AgNO3 are completely reacted with sodium carbonate how many moles of sodium nitrate NaNO3 will be produced 1 aluminum Al oxygen O2 H2 chloride AlCl3 hydrogen H2 Stoichiometry Worksheet Given the following reaction 2 Al2O3 4 Al 3 O2 7 How many moles of aluminum oxide Al2O3 are necessary to produce 6 75 moles of 8 How many moles of aluminum oxide Al2O3 are necessary to produce 3 22 moles of Given the following reaction 2 Al 6 HCl 3 H2 2 AlCl3 9 How many moles of aluminum Al are necessary to produce 5 55 moles of hydrogen 10 How many moles of aluminum Al are necessary to produce 9 95 moles of aluminum 11 How many moles of hydrochloric acid HCl are necessary to produce 5 55 moles of 12 How many moles of hydrochloric acid HCl are necessary to produce 9 95 moles of aluminum chloride AlCl3 2

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Wake Tech CHM 151 - Stoichiometry Worksheet

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