Module VII Safeguarding the Environment gcp7 Filename pdf What are the key aspects of the Paris Agreement https unfccc int process and meetings the paris agreement the paris agreement key aspects of the paris agreement Article CP Number 2 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13 15 11 14 12 21 Key Aspects Long term temperature goal Global peaking and climate neutrality Mitigation Sinks and reservoirs Voluntary cooperation Market and non market based approaches Adaptation Loss and damage Finance technology and capacity building support Climate change education training public awareness public participation and public access to information Transparency implementation and compliance Global Stocktake Decision 1 CP 21 What were achieved in Glasgow Climate Change Conference UNFCCC COP 26 COP26 The Glasgow Climate Pact https ukcop26 org wp content uploads 2021 11 COP26 Presidency Outcomes The Climate Pact pdf Achievements 1 Mitigation What are the 4 mitigation ambitions 1 COAL POWER 2 HALTING AND REVERSING DEFORESTATION 3 SPEEDING UP THE SWITCH TO ELECTRIC VEHICLES 4 REDUCING METHANE EMISIONS 2 Adaptation Loss and Damage What are the 6 deliveries in COP26 that will support vulnerable countries to adapt these impacts and address minimize and avert loss and damage 1 274 million to support communities across Asia and the Pacific to better plan invest in and fund climate change action improve conservation and deliver low carbon development 2 Over 27 million in additional support from the UK India and Australia for the Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure CDRI which aims to make people safer from climate linked disasters 3 The 100 million Climate Adaptation Resilience research framework programme CLARE This is jointly funded by the UK and Canada and will conduct research to deliver innovative solutions to enable five million of the most vulnerable people to adapt to the impacts of climate change 10 million UK 3 5 million US and continued levels of funding from Ireland for the Least Developed Countries LDC Initiative For Effective Adaptation and Resilience LIFE AR 4 Module VII Safeguarding the Environment gcp7 5 supporting this group to reduce their vulnerability to climate change 67 million for the Community Resilience Partnership Program CRPP including 45 million UK EUR6 million Nordic Development Fund NDF EUR2 million AfD 6 150 million to Financing Locally Led Climate Action FLLoCA through contributions from International Development Association IDA and Sweden and GoK 3 Finance Who are the mobilized sectors that will finance the cost of action to prevent climate change 1 2 PUBLIC SECTOR BILLIONS PRIVATE SECTOR TRILLIONS 4 Collaboration What are the 4 breakthrough agenda 1 Power Breakthrough 2 Road Transport Breakthrough 3 Steel Breakthrough 4 Hydrogen Breakthrough
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