Judaism Baal Shem Tov Founder of the Hasidism movement Hasidism 18th century Eastern European movement that stressed spiritual restoration and deepened individual piety Covenant Abraham s promise with God that the Jews are the chosen people and must fulfill God s wishes Eschatology Eschatological The belief in an End Time of divine judgment and world destruction Seder Meal observed on the first two nights of Pesach to commemorate the Exodus from Egypt Shavuot A pilgrimage festival in ancient times a spring harvest festival associated with the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai Synagogue Jewish place of worship Talmud Commentary on the Torah Tanakh Entire Hebrew sacred text Torah First five books of the Hebrew book Yom Kippur Day of Atonement most solemn fast day Zionism Jewish national identity and resuming life in the historic Land of Israel Islam Five Pillars Shahadah First of the Five Pillars declaration of faith There is no God but God and Muhammad is the Messenger of God Hajj One of the Five Pillars annual pilgrimage to Mecca Mecca The place of the Hajj pilgrimage and birthplace of Muhammad Salat One of the Five Pillars daily prayer Sawm One of the Five Pillars the fast of Ramadan Ramadan The month long fast of which is one of the Five Pillars Zakat One of the Five Pillars regular almsgiving Other Adhan The call to prayer Hadith Literary tradition recording the sayings and deeds of the Prophet Muhammad Islam literal meaning Submission Jihad Striving the struggle with oneself to become a better person Mosque Place of prayer worship Muhammad Prophet who received revelation from the Qur an Qur an Sacred text of Muslims the Word of God as revealed to Muhammad Shari ah Islamic law the way to the water hole Shi a The branch that believes Ali should have succeeded Muhammad Shirk The sin of idolatry the one unforgivable sin in Islam Sunni The branch that believes that Muslim should pick Muhammad s successor Surah One chapter of the Qur an there are 14 Umma The worldwide Muslim community Christianity Apostolic Succession The idea that spiritual authority has gone from Jesus and the Apostles through a line of bishops John Calvin Calvinism Leader of the Protestant Reformation Eucharist The Holy Communion symbolic of the Last Supper either literally or metaphorically the Body of Christ Evangelicalism A Protestant movement that stresses the importance of the conversion experience the Bible as the only reliable authority and preaching the gospel Icons Painted images of Christ and the saints used primarily in the Orthodox Church Grace God s love for humanity Logos in the context of John Divine reason through which God created and sustains the universe the Word became flesh in Jesus Christ Councils of Nicea Nicean Creed Decided religious doctrine the official proclamation of faith Features of Catholicism The dominant church in the West recognizes the title of the Pope Protestantism A Christian movement against Roman Catholicism Eastern Orthodox Eastern branch that separated from the Roman Catholic branch in 1054 Paul of Tarsus Author of part of the New Testament an apostle who founded churches in Asia Minor Macedonia and Greece Pentecost Holiday to commemorate the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the disciples Pentecostalism Movement that emphasizes spiritual renewal and the experience of God through baptism Saint A holy person in Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy Sacraments A symbol of God s grace seven in Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy two in Protestantism baptism and eucharist
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