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Chapter 3 Scanning the Marketing Environment Environmental factors affect the organization its suppliers and its customers Environmental Scanning o Tracking environmental trends o Example coffee marketers Important Trends That Influence Marketing Social economic technological competitive and regulatory BRIC Countries Brazil Russia India China An environmental scan of today s marketplace o Increasing U S population diversity o Growing economic impact of China and India Social Forces demographic characteristics of the population and its values Demographics describe a population according to selected characteristics such as age gender ethnicity income and occupation o World population o U S population Population explosion Baby boomers 1946 1964 Generation X 1964 1976 Generation Y 1977 1994 Millennials 1995 Generational Marketing Social Forces Marital status Cohabitation Blended family Composition Trends o African American o Hispanics o Asian Americans Multicultural Marketing Culture The changing attitudes and roles of men and women Gross Income total amount of money made Disposable income money left over after necessities Discretionary Income money remaining after taxes and necessities Cultural values o Value consciousness Economy o Inflation o Deflation Technology Social networks Natural user interfaces Green infrastructure Biotechnology Tablet Devices etc Impact on Customer Value Plummeting costs New products Production of existing products o Recycling o Pre recycling o Market space o Electronic commerce o Intranet o Extranets

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FM BUS 141 - Chapter 3 – Scanning the Marketing Environment

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