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COMM 89 Class Notes 6 24 14 Interested in patterns similarities Intro to Communication Theory Why people do things Goals of Theory o Describe o Explain o Predict o Control phenomenon guide understanding Communication theory The explanation or representation of communication Not communication itself but looking at communication and trying to explain what is going on o Set of constructs definitions propositions o Based on systematic observation o To represent explain or predict communicative action between two or more people What does Communication Theory Focus On o Source communicator What thoughts motivations self image o Message What content form meaning o Receiver interactant What role expectations reaction adaptation o Channel What is it What difference does it make o Meaning Where is it How is it created and by whom Is it shared o Relationship What is it Does it matter Do they know each other o Are they connected to each other In what way Theory A broad general explanation or representation of a phenomenon o Applies to a variety of situations Hypothesis Guided by theory comes from a theory o Tests specific relationship between specific variables Two Ways to Construct Theory Induction Think I or from myself o Make observations o Generalize from observations o Create theory Deduction o Examine existing theory o Derive testable hypotheses o Make observations Communication Social process in which individuals employ symbols to establish and interpret meaning within their environment 3 Models of Communication Also from COMM 1 Linear model o Source sender says something to receiver who is sitting there listening not involved in giving feedback o Key features noise carried over specific channel o Noise and channel both affect communication Interactional model o Shows what is going on between two people o Feedback facial expressions shared meaning process o How much of message actually gets to receiver Transactional model o Actually creating meaning at the same time o Tell a friend something get an excited look on their face you get excited telling them changing nature of message as creating it o Key Features Receiver not simply a decoder but also helping encode a message so that its happening all at the same time interdependency relationship between source and receiver Shared meaning being negotiated Receiver a little more active What are theories based on o What theorists think is real is important should be done with knowledge o How theorists define label what they focus on COMM 89 Class Notes 6 25 14 Two Paradigms that Guide Theory The BIG Picture Levels Paradigms Meta Theory o What are Theories Based On o What theorists think is real important o Paradigm world view way of knowing how do I know framework for creation use of theory and research what kind of framework can I create based on what I think is important o Ex How do we know it is not raining outside Interpretive Humanistic Practical Subjective Paradigm Unique o Reality is created in the minds of individuals personal experience rather than agreement from others what is important is your own personal experience rather than agreement of others Your own subjective view o According to this paradigm if a tree falls in a forest and no one is there to hear it it doesn t make a sound o Subjecting idiosyncratic individual experience o Free will guides actions there is no external force acting on you so it s all in your mind Will I be happy today or will I be sad o Unique uses QUALITATIVE research Social Scientific Objective Nomothetic Positivistic Paradigm Pattern o Reality truth exists outside of ourselves in external world Not all about my experience Separate from individuals interpretations o Discover what reality is objectively and quantitatively want consensus and agreement among people how we determine what truth is it is that color Ex What color is this If most people say it is a certain color o Deterministic cause and effect relationship not free will probability of something else happening Ex If one talks to another in an irritated manner he she is most likely to respond in an irritated manner o Reductionism whole sum of parts focus on only a few parts at a time break it up o According to this paradigm if a tree falls in a forest it does make a sound but depends on what it hit how big the tree is o Patterns uses QUANTITATIVE research Meta Theory Considerations that Guide Theory Meta theory theorizing about theories o Ontology nature of reality what is real Subjective reality vs objective reality see What is real What is truth What s in his head or what others What is something about your social relationships that is real Are you really in a friendship or relationship Does your education really mean that you are educated Does anyone disagree with you What do they believe o Epistemology what counts as knowledge data how do we know instead qualitative vs quantitative How do we know Looking at specific behavior or what bodies are doing Where is their attention Ways that you know when someone is attracted to you Ways you know when someone s feelings are hurt Ex How do you KNOW someone is attracted to you o Axiology what is role of values question of values what should we do with our knowledge improve society vs simply extend knowledge not determined by ontology or epistemology values are separate Why are you theorizing bring about social change Is it in order to forward knowledge of reality or is it in order to To what degree should theories attempt to be objective vs attempt to influence society Ex What is a way that you would like your values to influence others For purpose of midterm be able to distinguish among these three COMM 89 Class Notes 6 26 14 Communicator Focus Theories of Cognition and Information Processing Attribution Theory o Theorists Heider Kelley Bem Weiner et al o Main Idea o We create explanations about people and behaviors and we act in accordance with these explanations we make o These explanations we make are based on past experiences Ex Why is she wearing sunglasses in class We make assumptions about why she is wearing sunglasses based on things we already know when in reality we have no way of knowing o Intrapersonal and Interpersonal o Applies to multiple levels and functions e g persuasion education o Contexts etc o Major premises o People attempt to determine causes of their own and others behaviors especially if the behavior is negative or unusual o People assign causes based on their own

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UCSB COMM 89 - Intro to Communication Theory

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