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Adolescence Lecture 1 a very brief history theory research Adolescence is the second decade of life Rapid changes Characteristics of Children develop into characteristics of adults Developmental Changes 3 Domains interdependent on each other shape physical changes changes in thinking intelligence problem solving change in emotions personality relationships and each other o Biological o Cognitive o Psychosocial social contexts socioemotional domain 5 main psychosocial issues identity autonomy intimacy sexuality achievement 3 phases o Early Adolescence 10 13 o Middle 14 17 o Late emerging adulthood 18 22 years Early Thoughts on Adolescence o Plato the ability to REASON differentiates children from adolescence o Aristotle first time of SELF DETERMINATION No research done by these philosophers o Middle ages developmental transformation in adolescence is ignored No research no one cared o Enlightened View of Adolescence JEAN JACQUES ROUSSEAU Adolescence is a distinct period of the lifespan Reasoning develops Emotional maturation occurs o AGE OF ADOLESCENCE 1890 1920 During the time of Industrial Revolution Employed children cheaply overworked Laws restricting child labor Begin to become an area of scholarly study o father of study of adolescence o First APA president o Initated child study movement o Describe how period of adolescence development is due to Genetically determined by PYSIOLOGICAL FACTORS G Stanley Hall o Human life cycle is a repetition of sequence of the species during adolescence is a time of extreme upheaval All NATURE Hall s Theory of Recapitulation evolution o Changes are FUELED BY BIOLOGY o Storm and stress hormones fueling these behaviors Conflict with parents Mood disruptions Risky behavior Contemporary Perspectives organism o Sigmund Freud Turmoil and conflict are fueled by HORMONES just like Hall Early experiences sex are important in molding adolescent Psychosexual NATURE AND NURTURE Detachment Adolescence want to detach psychologically make own decisions etc without having to listen to parents autonomy o Erik Erikson resolution of identity crisis 8 stage theory of development some challenge at each phase of the lifespan that must overcome resolve to move on to next stage Adolescence must discover who they are resolve their identity crisis o Jean Piaget Biological influence on development and the quality of the COGNITION what makes an adolescence thinking different Environment and how does it occur o Behaviorism BF SKINNER operant conditioning Reinforcements increase chances of behavior punishments decrease chances of behavior make us who we are Shape adolescence behavior o Behaviorism BANDURA observational learning social learning social cognitive learning Watching others Another Contemporary View Context o IMPORTANCE OF ENVIRONMENT Bronfenbrenner o Ecological perspective Where adolescent lives environment neighborhood Microsystem family friends Mesosystem Relationship between 2 or more microsystems relationship between parent and school Exosystem Settings that an adolescent isn t involved in but influences the adolescence devloplment ex parent s work life place work place climate could effect child by long hours high stress from the parenting etc Macrosystem Chronosystem culture they live in norms laws etc life events Transitions during this time ex parents divorce moving to a new state significant historical events 9 11 or WW2 TODAY Data collection o Still view adolescence as a problematic period in human life o Adolescent generalization gap stereotyping of adolescents based on info about a limited highly visible group of adolescence ex all bad news stories of adolescence in the news o Observe naturalistic field study surveys and interviews standardized tests uniformed procedures for administration and scoring same conditions same grading ex Personality or Intelligence test compare performance of one adolescent to another Experience sampling method ESM electronic pagers cellphones and ask what they are doing throughout day track MOODS throughout the day physiological recordings measure biological changes like heart rate blood pressure etc brain scanning to measure activity in brain during tasks case study extensive amounts of data on ONE person for a unique case can t generalize o Correlational detects relationship between 2 or more events or characteristics see if related correlated does not mean causation CORRELATION IS NOT CAUSATION Can make predictions if 2 variables are related o Experimental determines cause and effect Must conduct experiments o Cross sectional studying different participants at the same time Different ages studied at the same time o Longitudinal study same individuals over a long period of time o Ethical Considerations Informed Consent give details to parent about the study Gain from parent or guardian GET ASSENT FROM CHILD use terms they understand any questions Non harmful procedures Confidentiality except in times when Harm self Harm others They are being harmed the researcher LECTURE 2 Biological Changes Chapter 2 Puberty growth spurt primary sex characteristics secondary characteristics are the 3 changes o Growth spurt o Primary Sexual Characteristics o Secondary Sex Characteristics o Rapid physical maturation homronal and bodily changes in early o Become capable of sexual reproduction o Programed in your genes o Precocious puberty starting puberty before age 8 female or 9 adolescence male Menarche first female menstration starts about a year after puberty starts Determinants of Puberty o Heredity Approximately 10 11 o Hormones Already exist in body during puberty escalating levels of hormones Androgens testosterone men have more 2 fold increase in girls 8 fold increase in boys 8 fold increase in girls 2 fold increase in boys Estrogens woman have higher estrogen then males o Interaction of the Hypothalamus Pituitary Gonads HPG axis Hypothalamus responsible for 4 F s of survival o Nutritional Status Especially for girls A certain amount of FAT LEPTIN hormone Amount of fat how well nourished influences onset of puberty o Other STRESS CAUSES EARLIER PUBERTY Under stress body has high CORTISOL stress hormone Disrupted family relations Girls with sexual abuse Health Status Chronic illness delays onset of puberty On average puberty has started earlier Secular Trend pattern seen over time especially across generations o Significant decline in the age of puberty onset o Achieving physical maturation at an earlier age o Healthier you

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