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ART 113F ARTHI 6B 6C Jaime Perez 1 Saint Francis Altarpiece Church of San Francesco in Pescia Italy Tempera Pulpit of Pisa Cathedral baptistery Pisa Cathedral in Pisa Italy Marble The Annunciation and the Nativity Pisa Cathedral in Pisa Italy Marble relief The Annunciation and the Nativity Church of Sant Andrea in Pistoia Italy Seated Apostles of Last Judgment Church of Santa Cecilia in Trastevere Madonna Enthroned with Angles and Prophets Galleria degli Uffizi Florence Tempera on Wood ARTISTS SORTED CHRONOLOGICALLY Dante Alighieri 1265 1321 La Vita Nuova The Divine Comedy Bonaventura Berlighieri 1234 1244 on wood Nicola Pisano 1258 1278 Giovanni Pisano 1250 1320 Marble relief Pietro Cavallini 1273 1308 Rome Italy Cimabue 1240 1302 Vasari 1511 1574 The Lives Giotto 1265 1337 Duccio 1278 1318 Madonna Enthroned Galleria degli Uffizi Florence Tempera on wood Interior of Arena Chapel Scrovegni Chapel Padua Italy o Lamentation Arena Chapel in Padua Italy Fresco Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints of Maest Altarpiece Siena Cathedral of Siena Italy Tempera on Wood Betrayal of Jesus of back of Maest Altarpiece Siena Cathedral of Siena Italy Tempera on Wood Simone Martini 1285 1344 wood Lorenzetti Brothers 1320 1348 Annunciation Galleria degli Uffizi Florence Tempera and gold leaf on The Birth of the Virgin from the Altar of Saint Savinus Siena Cathedral of Siena Italy Tempera on wood Peaceful City from Effects of Good Government in the City and in the Country Sala della Pace Palazzo Pubblico of Siena Italy Fresco Peaceful Country from Effects of Good Government in the City and in the Country Salla della Pace Palazzo Pubblico Siena Italy Fresco ART 113F ARTHI 6B 6C Jaime Perez 2 Orcagna 1343 1368 Tabernacle of Or San Michele Church of Or San Michele of Florence Italy Mosaic gold marble lapis lazuli Bernardo Daddi 1290 1348 Madonna and Child with Saints Church of Or San Michele of Florence Italy painted panel insert Francesco Traini 1321 1363 Buffalmacco 1320 1336 Triumph of Death Camposanto Pisa Cathedral Pisa Fresco Limbourg Brothers January from Les Tr s Riches Heures du Duc de Berry Mus e Cond Chantilly Ink on vellum October from Les Tr s Riches Heures du Duc de Berry Mus e Cond Chantilly Ink on vellum Claus Sluter 1380 1406 paint Melchior Broederlam 1387 1409 Well of Moses Chartreuse de Champmol Dijon France Limestone with Annunciation and Visitation from Retable de Champmol Chapel of Chartreuse de Champmol Dijon France Tempera on wood Presentation and Flight into Egypt from Retable de Champmol Chapel of Chartreuse de Champmol Dijon France Tempera on wood Jan Van Eyck 1390 1441 Ghent Altarpiece Saint Bavo Cathedral Ghent Belgium Oil on wood o Patron Jodocus Vyd and Isabel Borluut Giovanni Arnolfini and His Bride Oil on wood Man in a Red Turban Oil on wood Rogier Van Der Weyden 1400 1464 Deposition Notre Dame hors les murs Louvain Belgium Oil on wood o Patron Archer s Guild Last Judgment Altarpiece H tel Dieu Beaun France Oil on wood o Patron Nicholas Rolin Portrait of a Lady Oil on wood Dirk Bouts 1415 1475 Last Supper from Altarpiece of the Holy Sacrament Saint Peter s Louvain Belgium Oil on wood Hugo Van Der Goes 1440 1482 Hans Memling 1430 1494 Portinari Altarpiece Sant Egidio Florence Italy Tempera and oil on wood Virgins with Saints and Angels of Saint John Altarpiece Hospitaal Sin Jan Bruges Belgium Oil on wood ART 113F ARTHI 6B 6C Jaime Perez 3 Robert Campin 1378 1444 M rode Altarpiece and The Annunciation M rode family house Oil on wood o Patron Peter Inghelbrecht Petrus Christus 1410 1472 A Goldsmith in His Shop Possibly Saint Eligius Oil on wood Garden of Earthly Delights Creation of Eve Hell Oil on wood Hieronymus Bosch 1450 1516 Jean Fouquet 1420 1481 Melun Diptych Stephen Lochner 1400 1451 Konrad Witz 1400 1446 Veit Stoss 1447 1533 Riemenschneider 1460 1531 Michel Wolgemut 1434 1519 Martin Schongauer 1430 1491 14TH CENTURY ITALIAN ART Renaissance o Characterized by a growing concern with the natural world the individual and humanity s worldly existence o The rebirth of art and culture o A revived interest in classical cultures The City States Politics and Economics City States o Each consisted of a geographic region varying in size dominated by a major city o Most of which were republics governed by executive bodies o The separate economies determined independence Port cities expanded maritime trade o Guilds protected members common economic interest against taxation and provided them with means to regulate work quality and membership training Stimulated religious bequests and encourage commissioning of devotional The Black Death images The Great Schism The College of Cardinals elected French pope Clement V who settled in Avignon instead of Rome One French pope Clement VII and one Italian pope Urban VI were elected ART 113F ARTHI 6B 6C Jaime Perez 4 Resolved when Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund elected a neutral Roman pope Martin V Vernacular Literature Reviving Classical Values religious values The development of a commonly spoken literature Expanded the audience for philosophical and intellectual concepts Humanism human values and interests distinct from but not opposed to The study of Latin classics and emulation of Roman civic virtues o Service to the state o Participation in government o Defense of state institutions Recovery of Greek and Roman literature and philosophy Late Gothic of late thirteenth and fourteenth centuries also referred to as Early Renaissance An Artistic Transition Maniera Greca Bonaventura Berlinghieri and the Francis Altarpiece displayed maniera greca Greek style emotion The shallow space and the linear flatness of the Byzantine tradition was still present Mendicant Orders and Confraternities The pope s absence from Italy Avignon papacy was compensated with mendicants begging friars o Renounced all worldly goods and committed themselves to spreading God s word performing good deeds and ministering to the sick and dying Confraternities were organizations of laypersons nonmember of church dedicated to strict religious observance Commissions and Patronage Patrons religious entities or guilds would subsidize the building and decoration of numerous churches and hospitals Art was commission for propagandistic philanthropic or commemorative purposes The In uence of Classical Art Nicola Pisano exhibited an unprecedented interest in classical forms o Marble reliefs and ornament for large pulpits Pisa Cathedral The Annunciation and the Nativity the

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