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Final Study Guide Ch 9 Factorial Designs Factorial design Includes two or more IV s and crosses every level of each IV w every level of all other IV s o 2x2 Two IVs two levels each o 4x2x3 Three IV s four levels of first two levels of second three levels of third o of conditions multiplication of of levels of each IV Main effect Occurs when an IV has an overall effect on a DV Interaction occurs when the way in which an IV influences behavior differs depending on the level of another IV o Two Way Among two IV s the way that one IV influences a DV depends on the level of the second IV o Three Way interaction The interaction of two IV s depends on the level of a third IV If there is a main effect marginal means are different for all IV s and vice versa If there is an interaction the difference between the marginal means is different for each IV and the link graph is not parallel Multiple main effects no interaction stronger validity Main effects w interactions limited external validity Between subjects each participant experience only one condition Within subjects each participant experiences every possible condition Mixed factorial designs One or more between subjects variables and one or more within subject variables Person x situation design An experimental design that incorporates at least one subject variable one manipulated variable Ch 10 Experimentation and Validity Categories of inferences o Inferences about conflicts o Statistical inferences o Causal inferences o Inferences about generalizability Validity of measurement o Fact validity Degree to which items on a measure appear to be reasonable o Content validity Degree to which items on a measure represent the range of tiems that could have been appropriately included o Criterion validity The validity of a measure to predict an outcome o Construct validity Measure truly assess the construct that it is claimed to asses Validity of experiments o Types of validity Final Study Guide Construct validity constructs that researchers claim to be studying are the constraints they are manipulating and measuring Statically conclusion validity Concerns the proper statistical treatment of data the soundness of statistical conclusions Internal validity Does X definitely cause Y Establishes ability to make causal inferences Requires main effect no alternative explanations External validity Generalizability Ecological validity Mundane realism Psychological realm stimulate natural behavior Replication Threats to internal validity o History Unrelated events that happen to occur during a study o Maturation Natural change over time o Testing a previous measure affects response on subsequent measures o Instrumentation Changes in measurement device o Regression to the mean Extreme scores do not remain extreme o Attrition Participant drop out o Selection Non equivalent groups at the beginning of the study bias results Ceiling effect Discuss when scores on the DV bunch up at the maximum score level Floor effect Occurs when scores in a DV bunch up at the minimum score level Control groups o Yoked control group Each control member is procedurally linked to a particular experimental group member whose behavior will determine how long both of them are treated o Untreated control group o Placebo control group o Waiting list control group Ch 11 Quasi Experiment Quasi Experiments vs True Experiments o Participants exposed to an IV and a DB is measure but Researched may not have control over content or design of treatment when it occurs or whom it affects Researcher may not have control over choice of DV or how when or for whom they are measured o No random assignment to groups o Allows for experimental comparisons when true experiments are not possible Designs w o a control group Final Study Guide o One group post test only design treatment occurs DV is measured o One group pretest posttest designs DV measured before after afterward treatment Shows change in DV o Simple interrupted time series design DV repeatedly measured before after a treatment Establishes pre and post treatment trends o Nonequivalent control group designs Posttest only w nonequivalent control group participants in one group exposed to DV participants in nonequivalent group not exposed o Pretest posttest w nonequivalent control group Pre treatment post treatment scores are obtained for both groups Info gathered on group similarities prior to treatment o Simple interrupted time series w nonequivalent control group Series of pre and post treatment scores collects for both groups Switching replication designs o One group receives a treatment while a nonequivalent group doesn t Control group receives treatment later DV measured o Group A receives treatment while group B does not then group B receives treatment group A does not DV measured before during and after treatments Program evaluations o Process evaluation Determines whether a program is being implemented as intended o Outcome evaluation assess a programs effectiveness o Efficiency assessment Weighs the program s benefits effectiveness in relation to its com s to determine whether it is on efficient method for addressing the program o Program diffusion Implementing maintaining effective programs in their settings or with other groups Block randomization Conduct single round of conditions then another for as many as needed randomly order conditions Ch 12 Single Subject Experiments Difference between case studies single subject experiments o IV is manipulated o Participants serve as their own controls Advantages o Allows for systematic study of rarely occurring phenomena o Flexible o Individual differences are examined not lost in an average Final Study Guide Power vs Clinical significance Baseline measurements of DV before treatment AB Comparison design ABAB design sequence of phases that alternate control treatment conditions o First A phase establishes baseline o B phases present a treatment o Subsequent A phase remorse treatment o DV measured during each phase Multiple baseline designs Baseline DV is measured for multiple participants behaviors or settings Treatment introduced to one person behavior setting at a time others at control level eventually all receive treatment o Across individuals two or more participants exposed to the same treatment individual Introduction of treatment staggered across individuals o Across behaviors same treatment applied to 2 behaviors of the same o Across settings same treatment applied to same

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UW PSYCH 209 - Final Study Guide

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