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Mass Communication J201 Final Study Guide Types Intrapersonal Communicating with oneself Interpersonal Dyadic communicating with another communication between two people who interact Group Interpersonal communication within groups between 3 20 people Mass Messages persuade and affect the behavior and opinion of the person receiving content One to one one individual communicating with another one email to another One to many one individual communicating to multiple others mass email Many to one Many to many multiple individuals communicate with multiple others chat room Models Linear Communicative events are isolated messages that flow from a single source to a single receiver Holistic Communicative events are part of a whole ensemble of other events and structures The Linear Model The 5 W s Who says What in Which channel To Whom With What effect Cultural Holistic Model Modern Family is embedded in a cast web of meaning other sitcoms the state of the family in contemporary America notions of heteronormativity the politics of humor etc Transmission Model Information is sent in some form from a sender to a destination simple model Growth Reasons democracy marketing need for mass mediation in entertainment Newspapers The Colonial Press 1st newspaper Germany Why in New England Because most settlers were small farmers who got little return on their investment and thus turned to seafaring commerce Benjamin Harris Published first American newspaper in Boston Publick Occurances Both Foreign and Domestic Boston Newsletter 1st continuously published newspaper John Campbell about 4 pages advertising on pages 1 and 4 opinionated articles and shipping news cost 6 cents Stamp Act passed in 1765 required stamps to be purchased and placed on legal documents Bill of Rights 1st 10 amendments to the constitution Many editors were subservient to political masters First amendment made it possible to write whatever you want Alien and Sedation Acts 1798 no protesting the government deport foreigners immigrants must reside in US for 14 years before voting or retaining citizenship The Penny Press The first penny paper was The New York Sun published in 1833 followed by the New York Herald in 1835 founded by James Gordon Bennett Horace Greeley founded the New York Tribune in 1841 Why a penny Technological Innovations steam presses instead of mechanical presses inexpensive machine made paper instead of expensive handmade paper Industrial Growth homemade goods began to be replaced by factory made goods The penny press contributed to the sale of manufactured goods and then itself which people could afford to buy Jacksonian Democracy The election of Andrew Jackson as the seventh President of the United States ushered in a populist democratic phase in American politics Human Interest Most papers claimed that they were neutral in politics and often carried very little political news The New York Sun would often write The proceedings of Congress thus far would not interest our readers Content Often carried fiction human interest stories News Agencies To make the gathering of news more manageable six New York dailies founded the Associated Press AP the first major wire service in 1848 Yellow Journalism A phase characterized by exciting human interest stories crime news large headlines and more readable copy Changes to society urbanization people migrated to cities increase in railroads children attending school increases illiteracy decreased Joseph Pulitzer owned The New York World William Randolph Hearst owned The New York Journal Hearst was the model for Charles Foster Kane in Citizen Kane Objective Journalism factual introduced by Adolph Ochs The New York Times by Ochs UPI United Press International formed from 2 other news gathering services UPI competed with Reuters British and agency France press French Magazines Four Giants of first half of 20th century Saturday Evening Post Reader s Digest Time and Life Roger Fenton First photojournalism assignment Life magazine covers the Crimean War in 1856 Bad Stuff Newsweek publishes last print edition 12 31 2012 single issues sales down 16 No Saturday delivery Radio Guglielmo Marconi Developed wireless telegraphy Lee de Forest Developed the Audion vacuum tube detected amplified received radio signals James Clark Maxwell 1864 English physicist and mathematician posited the idea of radio waves electromagnetic waves Henrich Hertz 1877 Demonstrated the physical existence of radio waves This was the beginning of wireless communication Broadcast originally an agricultural term prior to broadcasting radio was used by the Navy for point to point communication Narrowcasting any specialized electronic programming media channel aimed at a target audience Reginald Fessenden sent first voice message over radio invented liquid barrater which permitted reception of wireless voices AM radio RCA radio cooperation of America 1919 in charge of selling manufacturing AT T introduced toll broadcasting where they charged a fee to carry ads David Sarnoff helped set up NBC NBC NBC red and NBC blue ABC originally NBC blue but sold to form American Broadcasting Corporation William Paley creator of CBS Mutual Broadcasting System one of the big four networks Big four NBC CBS ABC and Mutual Golden Age of Radio 1930 to mid 1950s Transistors small portable radio Edwin Armstrong invented FM radio Changes teenagers new demographic and social lives Top 40 introduced because teens were playing the same songs on jukeboxes FM Radio frequency modulation no static classical music DJs disk jockeys new personalized style of radio shows college radio 1920s alternative music radio today Pandora Spotify Radio in Africa History French British rule in 1940s 2 radio stations in 1950s large political influence Types 1960s 90s state monopoly 1990s 2010s liberalization of airwaves Reach of radio worldwide 95 of every population Africa between 80 90 of households have a radio Community radio About nonprofit community owned volunteer run for the development of the community participation Goals give voice to the voiceless provide news info relevant to the needs of the community engage people in public discussions promote dialogue debate World Radio Day February 13 Movies Lumiere brothers developed a projection system so that more than one person could see images on a screen introduced documentaries Edwin Porter pioneered editing shooting scenes out of order and reassembling them He is widely known for The Life of an

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