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Quiz Questions Ch8 15 Chapter 8 1 Erikson believed that ego identity is shaped by past present and future events 2 Erikson unlike Jung and Adler never repudiated Freud s 3 ideas Industry versus inferiority is Erikson s psychosocial crisis of the school age 4 According to Erikson true intimacy can only be achieved after identity is established 5 According to Erikson an identity crisis may increase or decrease ego strength 6 Erikson s life was marked by several identity crises 7 According to Erikson the foundation for cooperative participation in productive adult life is competence 8 Erikson claimed that procreativity encompasses all of these are correct 9 The discipline that combines psychoanalytic concepts with historical method is psychohistory 10 Erikson s theory rates high on internal consistency and moderate to low on parsimony and falsifiability 11 For Erikson integrity involves feeling whole and coherent 12 The psychosocial crisis of young adulthood according to Erikson is intimacy versus isolation 13 Erikson believed that sexual latency is important because it permits focus on learning and social relations 14 Erikson s core pathology of old age is disdain 15 Which of the following is NOT an aspect of the ego according to Erikson Social ego 16 The antithesis of Erikson s generativity is stagnation 17 Self control and interpersonal control are the tasks of the early childhood stage of psychosocial development according to Erikson 18 The ability to fuse one s identity with that of another without fear of losing it characterizes what Erikson called intimacy 19 The belief of many Nazis that Germans represented the master race illustrates Erikson s concept of identity crisis 20 According to Erikson an identity crisis may increase or decrease ego strength 21 A person s capacity to unify experiences and actions in an adaptive manner defines Erikson s EGO 22 The informed and detached concern with life itself in the face of death itself is how Erikson defined Wisdom 23 Erikson claimed that a child who learns to do a job well during the school age will develop a sense of industry 24 Freud s phallic stage of psychosexual development parallels Erikson s play age stage 25 Erikson contended that an elderly person s delight in a variety of different physical sensations reflects generalized sensuality 26 For Erikson puberty is psychologically important because it triggers expectations of future adult roles 27 Erikson believed that some degree of role repudiation is necessary for all of these 28 A feeling of not being certain and that something remains hidden characterizes Erikson s notion of doubt Chapter 9 1 According to Maslow the humor of self actualizers is 2 For Maslow the peak experience may occur at unexpected intrinsic to the situation ordinary moments 3 Maslow believed that self actualizers None of the above is 4 correct In general studies using the POI and the Short Index of the POI have found that self actualizing people usually resist or reject socially desirable cultural standards 5 Maslow claimed that when people who have satisfied their esteem needs are criticized or deprecated by others they retain their sense of self worth 6 Maslow found that self actualizers were characterized by limited but intense close friendships 7 Maslow hypothesized that the order of needs may be reversed in certain cases 8 Martyrs who sacrifice physical needs and personal safety for their beliefs and heroes who risk their lives to save others illustrate Maslow s notion of reversed order of needs 9 Which of the following is NOT an assumption underlying Maslow s theory of motivation People in different cultures have different basic needs 10 Maslow contended that scientists should resacralize science 11 According to Maslow a person surrounded by beauty and order would ordinarily satisfy aesthetic needs 12 Maslow believed that metapathology results from deprivation of self actualization needs 13 For Maslow coping behavior is usually All of the above 14 Metamotivation according to Maslow differentiates self actualizers from non self actualizers 15 Maslow s methods of investigation and approach to studying self actualizing people are subject to severe criticism 16 Maslow believed that most behavior has several causes 17 Maslow believed that esteem and self actualization needs All of the above are correct 18 According to Maslow instinctoid needs Only a and c are 19 According to Maslow neurotic needs cannot be fully 20 Maslow was one of the first theorists to emphasize self correct satiated actualization 21 Maslow held that a self actualizing person is likely to feel comfortable when alone 22 According to Maslow self actualizing people are characterized by spontaneity simplicity and naturalness 23 Maslow said that when cognitive needs are not satisfied a person will become pathological 24 Maslow contended that people who have never received love may eventually devalue it 25 Maslow claimed that love and belongingness needs are strongest in people who have partially experienced love and belongingness 26 According to Maslow expressive behavior is usually unlearned spontaneous and determined by forces within the person rather than by the environment 27 If deprivation of a need leads to pathology then Maslow would say that this need is instinctoid 28 If Maslow is one of the fathers of the third force in psychology then the first two forces are behaviorism and psychoanalysis 29 The term positive psychology refers to the rejection of traditional psychology that has resulted in a model of humanity as lacking the potential to move beyond pathology Chapter 10 1 In a state of disorganization people s behavior may be consistent with their shattered self concept 2 Rogers stated that therapists will be more effective if they communicate all genuine feelings to the client 3 Which of these is NOT characteristic of Rogers s person of tomorrow trust in other individuals 4 Rogers said that evaluations of a person by others tend to distort the person s self concept 5 Which term is LEAST appropriate as applied to Carl Rogers Philosopher 6 Rogers believed that people s positive self regard can exist independently of other people s attitudes toward them 7 When a person becomes vaguely aware that the discrepancy between experience and self may become conscious Rogers said that he or she will develop a feeling of anxiety 8 Rogers claimed that incongruence exists when a person feels a discrepancy of self concept versus ideal self

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