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Midterm Prep 6 What s the difference between a hawk and a dove Is neorealist Kenneth Waltz more hawkish or more dovish on Iran Briefly explain 1 Hawk a People who see the world as being occupied by revisionist states i Feel that states are constantly looking to expand their powers 1 Probing for weaknesses b Feel that the primary source of conflict is failing to balance against aggressors c Far more assertive policies 2 Doves a People who see the world as being occupied by status quo states i Think the primary problem in international politics is the security dilemma ii Less aggressive policies than those pursued by the hawks 3 Kenneth Waltz a Waltz believes that Iran is a status quo actor just reacting to the system i Recommends that we back off of Iran 1 Don t give Iran a reason to need or use nuclear weapons b Thinks that Iran only wants nuclear weapons because of their geographical location and because USA put them on the Axis of Evil list i Not due to the fact they are revisionist 1 Only because they feel like there is a security dilemma in the system around them c Only for deterrence not to blow up the countries around them i No point in destroying everything 7 According to Takeyh who constitutes the New Right in Iran What do they believe According to Takeyh the New Right is composed of the generation of young men who served on the frontlines in the Iran Iraq war The members of the New Right believe that the Middle East was a battleground between the forces of secularism and Islamic authentic They also say Western conspiracies where they re not any ANSWER AFTER QUIZ SECTION TOMORROW Short Answer Questions Choose FIVE of the following short questions to answer with a few sentences each Be sure to briefly explain your answers to each question Refer to class readings and lectures when appropriate Each question is worth 8 points for a total of 40 points lately 1 What is Hezbollah What is Hezbollah s main purpose And what has Hezbollah been up to 4 What is appeasement Define the concept Which kinds of actors can and cannot be successfully appeased Briefly explain Appeasement is a policy of offering concessions to adversaries with the hope that they will be satisfied and not ask for anymore This technique typically works if the dictator being appeased is a status quo actor However if the person is a revisionist actor then appeasing that individual will not solve any problems Instead he or she will continue taking and asking for more Appeasement will not solve any problems This was the case with Hitler He could not be appeased because he wanted more than simply the Sudetenland given to him at the Munich conference He wanted to continue expanding his empire for quite a ways further than that 5 Briefly describe Kennan s explanation for the sources of Soviet behavior Is this explanation more realist liberal or Marxist Explain Kennan s explanation for the sources of Soviet behavior are that the Kremlin was extremely insecure about their ability to rule This intense insecurity made them no longer allow any part of the society to be capitalist In order to keep the population supporting the Kremlin and the communist regime they had to continue feeding them beliefs that the outside capitalist world was a bad and dangerous one that no one should ever want to be a part of Kennan s thesis is that the Soviet Unions conduct was based solely on keeping the Kremlin in power rather than thinking about the interests of the state Kennan s explanation is mostly liberal because he believes that the source of the Soviet Union s problems stem from domestic politics and specifically how insecure the domestic politics remained within that country Also he points out that the Kremlin clearly determined state behavior 6 Briefly describe the three key dimensions of President George HW Bush s New World Order The three dimensions of President HW Bush s New World Order were check aggression collective action and Great Power Cooperation To check aggression means that appeasement is dangerous and by failing to check aggression can lead to instability within the system The collective action portion of the NWO was to work together with UN leading the international response because UN could be the cloak of stability within the effort By having the UN be a part of the process would make it much harder for Saddam to claim that the actions were simply another part of America s imperialism And finally Great Power Cooperation was that Bush envisioned the US and USSR being able to work together through this new system He hoped that they could form a cooperative partnership 7 What role did state radio play in the Rwandan genocide And what if anything could have been done to stop the radio broadcasts The state radio broadcasts helped the Hutu s know where the Tutu s were that were on the list to be killed Before the genocide happened there had been lists of names and addresses compiled of where and how to find the Tutsi s and the radio broadcasts allowed the leaders of the genocide to communicate not where these Tutsi were as well as with each other America has three options of what it could have done to stop the radio broadcasts First of all America could have jammed the signal This would have prevented the radio broadcast from happening at all The second option would have been to destroy the antenna And the third option was to transmit counter broadcasts urging the Hutus to stop the genocide altogether Essay Questions Choose TWO of the following essay questions Be sure to address each component of the questions and refer to class readings when appropriate Do not use the same arguments or evidence to address different questions Each question is worth 30 points for a total of 60 points 8 Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler meet at Caf Inferno to discuss brinkmanship What is brinkmanship And how do Stalin s blockade in the Berlin Crisis and Hitler s remilitarization of the Rhineland illustrate the concept Describe how Hitler and Stalin each used a different chicken game tactic and why one tactic succeeded while the other failed PS 203 Midterm Exam 2 Essay List Au13 Instructions Three of the twelve essay questions below will appear on the exam The exam will ask you to choose two of those three to answer You may not use notes during the exam Good luck 1 The president calls you to the Oval Office for foreign policy advice His questions are about appeasement What is appeasement How does Chamberlain s decision at Munich illustrate

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