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H 385 week 1 and 2 notes Week 1 19th century economy The industrial revolution 1860s 1890s Occupational safety and health not a priority Laws were non existent Industries Construction steel textiles and mining Factory and machine centered Historical perspective 1877 Massachusetts 1st safety and health legislation Required guarding of belts shafts and gears Fire exits in factories 1883 12 states with similar safety legislations Factory inspections Limit health hazards Triangle Shirtwaist Fire March 25 1911 146 young mostly females garment workers fell to their deaths while escaping a locked sweat shop 1884 U S Bureau of Labor Legislation to protect worker safety and health no t a priority Published studies of occupational fatalities and i llnesses in dusty trades 1906 early surveys of workplace fatalities Allegheny County Pennsylvania 526 workers died 195 were steelworkers 1997 17 steelworker fatalities in the U S Historical perspective State of Oregon 1903 Legislative Assembly Bureau of Labor Statistics Inspector of Factories and Workshops 1910 Employer s Liability Law Applies to hazardous industries requires an employer to provide a safe place of employment Historical perspective Mining Occupational accidents in the coal mining industry Early 1900s over 2 000 mining related fatalities annually 329 per 100 000 mine workers Collapsing mine roofs and wall and explosions No safety regulations Monongah WV mine disaster Dec 6 1907 Coal mine explosion 362 men and boys killed 1997 25 per 100 000 mine related fatalities Historical perspective 1910 Dr John Andrews publishes report showing the dangers of white phosphorous Phosphorous necrosis or phossy jaw Exposure to white phosphorous from matches Toothaches Swelling of the gums Jawbone abscess Bone necrosis Organ failure Death 1913 law signed creating the U S Department of Labor Cabinet level department Francis Perkins 1st Secretary of Labor Extensive experience from State of NY Occupational and Safety and Health Program Assure that workplaces would be as safe as science and law can make them Created the Bureau of Labor Standards Promote safety and health for working people Foundation for OSHA 1950s annual illnesses injuries fatalities 2 5 million job related disabilities 14 000 occupational fatalities 1960s annual illnesses injuries fatalities 4 million job related injuries and illnesses reported 5 600 occupational fatalities Rising industries chemical industry transportation and health care Motor vehicle accidents Patient care related 1969 Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety Act Black lung disease prolonged exposure to coal dust Widespread miners strike for compensation for blank lung and mine disasters 1977 Mine Safety and Health Act extended the authority to all mines beyond coal Today millions at risk worldwide 1960s social and political movements that propelled reform and worker s rights Environmental movement what are the effects of chemicals in our environment and our health Civil rights movement the rights of each individual are important Dec 29 1970 The Occupational Safety and Health Act assure so far as possible every working man and woman in the Nation safe and healthful working conditions Occupational Safety and Health Administration OSHA National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health NIOSH 1 out of 4 workers exposed to hazardous conditions Quiz 1 1 Which of the following is not a Mandate of OSHA A Conduct risk assessments at job sites 2 Organizations with 10 or more workers must keep a log of workplace injuries and illnesses 3 Which of the following OSHA forms must be posted in the workplace for employees to view A Form 300A Summary of Work Related Injuries and Illnesses 4 States with their own OSHA program may implement standards that are less stringent than federal standards A True A False 5 Which of the following refers to Health and Safety Standards for the General Industry A Title 29 CFR Part 1910 A Title 29 CFR Part 1926 6 Which of the following refers to Health and Safety Standards for Construction 7 What subpart SP of 29 CFR Part 1910 covers hazardous materials 8 What subpart SP of 29 CFR Part 1926 covers Fall Protection 9 Which of the following workplace injuries illnesses requires recording A Worker loses consciousness on the job death occurs worker receives medical treatment beyond first aid 10 A medical examination is NOT required for workers before they begin working with hazardous materials A SP H A SP M A False Week 2 Lecture Quiz 2 1 According to OSHA regulations workers have the right to which of the following A File a complaint with OSHA To participate in OSHA inspections occurring at the workplace have access to their personal exposure and medical records 2 Which of the following is not protected under OSHA A A self employed carpenter 3 Under OSHA employers are required to do which of the following A Provide safety training to employees keep records of injuries and illnesses for organizations with 10 or more employees provide and pay for personal protective equipment 4 According to the priority of inspections which of the following is in the order from highest priority to lowest A Imminent Danger complaint programmed emphasis 5 In the hierarchy of controls which is the correct order from most effective to least A Elimination Substitution Administrative Week 3 Lecture Guest Speaker 4 requirements to hand out a citation 1 Rule Violation 2 Hazard must exist 3 Exposure to hazard 4 Error in knowledge How many years would it take to inspect all job sites in Oregon A 30 years What are the 5 levels of hierarchy of controls A Elimination Substitution Engineering Controls Administrative Controls Personal Protective Equipment Highest to Lowest 1 example of a direct casual agent for an accident incident A Pinch Point by heavy equipment Name 2 examples of an indirect cost of an injury A Lost productivity worker morale decrease Name 2 examples of a direct cost of an injury A Medical cost management cost 1 What type of injury is commonly associated with poor ergonomic design Quiz 3 A Tendonitis A False 2 What risk factors cause musculoskeletal injuries A Repetitive motions working in awkward positions vibration 3 If an occupation has the highest number of fatal injuries that means that the rate of injury for that occupation is also the highest among all occupations 4 Looking at the most recent data available on fatalities which of the following is true about fatal falls to a lower level A Forty Five percent of

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OSU H 385 - Week 1 and 2 notes

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