01 22 13 http www sinauer com cooper5e supplemental studying material Look at animations for Chapter 4 for notes Animation 4 2 Bacterial Transformation Animation 4 4 DNA Mutations Animation 4 5 HIV Reproduction Any pathogenic infection must initiate by a receptor Animatoin 4 6 Restriction Endonucleases Is an endonuclease that is specific to a certain sequence of amino acids Commonly used in genetic engineering Animation 4 7 Recombinant DNA Molecules A plasmid vector is a dsDNA that replicates independent of the host Used as a carrier because it is easy to cleave and insert as well as its simple genetic infrastructure This method can be used in diagnostic assays This is how AIDS virus was found genetic plasmid RNA probing Animation 4 8 Sequencing a DNA Strand Chain terminating dideoxynucleotide ddNTP must be incorporated into the chain to stop sequencing The theory behind using the ddNTP for sequencing know this Animation 4 9 PCR DNA polymerase needs a primer 3 hydroxyl to begin PCR Taq polymerase is a DNA polymerase from archaebacteria which is active at high temperatures denaturing step Group Homework Talk to group to choose an article Tuesday of next week we will choose an article to present to the class Paper Examples Science Neutralizing Tumor Promoting Chronic Inflammation A Magic Bullet A Karolina Palucka Immunology An antiviral Sterol Stella M Hurtley Sci Signal Focus Issue Understanding Mechanisms of Inflammation
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