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Lecture Notes 05 12 14 What is anthropology o The study of humankind in all times and places Holistic perspective interconnections between communities through time Importance of comparisons across time and space Language and Culture o How do anthropologists study speech and language o How does the study of linguistics influence anthropology and other social sciences o How does studying a language along with culture help you learn a language o How is language valued in different cultures The Nature of Language o What is language o Language and thought o Descriptive linguistics o Non verbal communication Language as a Social Phenomena o Language life cycle o Ethnography of communication o 21st century and technology o Performance and ideology Multilinguism o Class dialect ethnicity race o Sex gender race o Code switching o Multilinguism o Biological physical anthropology Neurolinguistics Language evolution Categorization of diseases o Archaeology Language origins Symbolic forms Glottochronology Symbolic categories Ethnoarchaeology o Cultural Anthropology Interviews Performance and ideology International commerce International relations How do subfields of anthropology overlap with language Franz Boas founder of modern anthropology o Cultural relativism beliefs and activities should be understood in terms of his her own culture o Emphasis on fieldwork and scientific methodology o Why language should be studied 1911 It is best not to work with interpreters Language is an ethnographic fact Language is a window into functioning of shared consciousness of a culture Language us a regular patterned and scientifically predictable part of behavior Language and Culture by any other name o Linguistic anthropology o Anthropological linguistics o Sociolinguistics o Ethnolinguistics Assumptions of language and culture o How does language affect society and how does society affect language Culture is embedded in language Language functions to hold society and culture together Language as a vehicle for culture o Represents an adherence to particular cultural values and beliefs o Sometimes we assume that language and culture is a one to one relationship they perfectly reflect each other Duranti s 1st Paradigm Emphasis on Linguistics building blocks of language o Linguistics language as an object of study something abstracted from everyday life o Anthropological linguistics documentation description and classification of indigenous languages o Descriptive linguistics construction of grammars and lexicon for unstudied language phonology morphology syntax Duranti s 2nd Paradigm Linguistics with Anthropology o Ethnolinguistics engaging in daily life of others to understand their point of view o Sociolinguistics study of language use across speakers and activities to discover patterns of linguistic variation Duranti s 3rd Paradigm Combination of Previous Paradigms o Linguistic anthropology concern for relationship between language thought society and culture o Language and culture use of linguistic practices to document and analyze reproduction of persons institutions and communities across time and space

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