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The Robinson Patman Act makes it unlawful for a purchaser to receive the benefit of an actual discrimination in price T F Tying agreements are illegal per se T F The FTC may issue regulations for an entire industry T F The passage of time per se is no barrier to a court requiring the divesture of stock acquired in word of Section 7 of the Clayton Act and the violations are to be measured at time of sold rather than at time of the acquisition T F There was a merger between the second largest can producer and the third largest glass jar producer They were 4th and 6th respectively in the market embracing glass and metal containers Glass containers do not generally compete with cans The merger is not a violation of Section 7 if the Clayton Act T F A charge of price fixing can be defended against if the prices are not unreasonable under the Rule of Reason defense Six major film distributors when selling films to television stations have a block booking requirement Block booking is the conditioning of a sale of license of a desirable film upon purchase by the stations of a package containing one of more inferior films Such contracts may be enjoined as violations of the antitrust laws T F Interlocking directorates are attacked under Section 8 of the Clayton Act rather than under the Sherman Act T F The FTC uses a test for judging the credibility of n advertisement called the Fool s Test T F A charge of price fixing can be defended against if the prices are lower than they were before T F A cease and desist order has the same effect as an injunction T F State workers compensation statutes provide for payments for a stated period to workers who are unemployed through no fault of their own T F The tenth largest brewer in the United States acquired the assets of the eighteenth largest brewer in the U S After the merger other acquiring brewer had 4 4 of the industry s total national beer sales 23 95 of the State of Wisconsin beer sales and 11 32 of beer sales in Wisconsin Illinois and Michigan There had been history on concentration in the beer industry The acquisition is in violation of Section 7 of the Clayton Act T F The Government must prove no more than that there has been a merger between two corporations engaged in commerce and that the effect of merger may be substantially to lessen competition or tend to create monopoly in any line of commerce in any section of the country T F Bait and Switch refers to an advertisement that fails to disclose that a mock up is used T F The Federal Trade Commission Act was passed the same year as the Clayton Act T F Persons injured by a violation of the antitrust laws may recover three times their actual damages in an action against the violation corporation T F Mergers are generally attacked under Section 7 of the Clayton Act rather than under the Sherman Act T F In many Section 7 Clayton Act cases the definition of the product market may decide the outcome of the case T F It is a deceptive practice for a seller to state falsely that a product ordinarily sells for an inflated price but that it is being offered at a special reduced price even if the offered price represents the actual value of the product and the purchaser is receiving his moneys worth T F Arbitration involves the Intervention of a third party in an attempt to reconcile or settle a dispute without the power to compel acceptance of any proposed settlement T F A consent order means that a business has the FTC consent to engage in sales T F In a highly concentrated industry a horizontal acquisition by a larger company will usually be held to violate Section 7 of the Clayton Act T F In many Section 7 Clayton Act cases the definition of the geographic market may decide the outcome of the case T F A pure conglomerate merger is one in which there are no economic relationships between the merging and merged firms T F Yellow dog contracts require management to hire exclusively union help T F Under modern state laws an employer can be held liable for injuries his employees sustain even if the employer is not at fault in any way T F If a business agrees to go along with an FTC demand it will sign a consent order T F Persons inured by a violation of the antitrust laws may require only their actual damages in an action against the violating corporation T F The FTC can stop illegal business practice in its incipiency T F The agency or agencies that can enter a Cease and desist order is are the a National Labor Relations Board b Department of Commerce c Department of Justice d Federal Trade Commission e Two of the above Price discrimination is defined as a Charging two people different prices for the same product b Advertising at a price different from what is the asking price c Refusing to sell to someone d Making a person buy another product to get the one he wants e Two of the above Labor unions are a Subject to Sherman Act restriction b Completely exempt from the antitrust laws c Completely within the scope of the antitrust laws d Subject to Clayton Act restriction e None of the above An interlocking directorate is specifically prohibited by the a Clayton Act b Sherman Act c Robinson Patman Act d Amendment to Clayton Act e Federal Trade Commission Act a Federal Trade Commission Act b Landrum Griffin Act c Sherman Act d Clayton Act e None of the above The Act that exempted unions from antitrust laws is the The Act that required certain businesses to keep record of the hours worked per week by employees and wages paid them is the a Federal Trade Commission Act b Fair Labor Standards Act c Clayton Act d Wagner Act e None of the above The major defenses to a charge of price discrimination are a Good faith meeting of a competition b Changing conditions c Cost savings d Two of the above e Three of the above The Act was designed to return the control of unions to their members and made embezzlement of union funds a Federal crime was the a Landrum Griffin Act b Federal Trade Commission Act c Norris LaGuard s Act d Taft Hartley Act e None of the above International a b Res Osa Loquitur c Negligence d Strict liability e None of the above a Assumption of the risk b Contributory negligence c Fellow servant doctrine d Two of the above e Three of the above a Criminal fine or imprisonment b Injunction c Treble damages d Two of the above e Three of the above The tort law area that most adequately describes Worker s Compensation is The common law defenses which are no longer available under Workers

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CSU BUS 260 - Robinson-Patman Act

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