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Business Intelligence Using Information Systems 1 Top Priorities for CIOs Chief info Officers a Business Intelligence b Mobile technologies c Mobile applications d Web scale IT e Security f Cloud Computing g Collaboration tech h Legacy modernization Impact on the Systems World a Companies are starting to understand that data is a most precious asset b There will be even more rich opportunities to develop systems to store and manipulate data c Business intelligence is at the fore front of this thinking 2 3 Why Such Focus on BI a Powerful trend in BI because i Unforgiving demand for better performance ii Need for better risk management iii Tougher regulatory management iv Exponentially increasing amounts of data to process and store Big Data a BI BA includes a range of capabilities supported by all the major software vendors IBM Oracle i ii Looking backward to evaluate what happened to assist in planning for the future Looking forward for scenario planning and predictive modeling 4 BI Capabilities SAP etc b Capabilites 5 BA in all Business Functional Areas a Marketing b Accounting c Finance d Manufacturing e Supply Chain Management 6 Data Integrity a Focus on data it s no wonder organizations are putting more effort into ensuring data integrity b Garbage in garbage out 7 Garbage in garbage out a Basic principle capture data as near as possible to the source and minimize keystrokes b Automated capture i Optical character readers ii Magnetic stripe readers smart cards iii RFID iv Cell Phones Starbucks If keystroking needed for data entry minimize i Default values check boxes radio buttons drop downs c 9 Why Organizations Need business Intelligence Threats and Opportunities 8 Business Intelligence Preamble a Pressure to perform b c Need for good data integrity Importance of Big Data and BI a External Factors b Opportunities c Threats d Business Intelligence 10 Understanding Big Data a Businesses are dealing with the challenge of Big Data i High Volume unprecedented amounts of data ii High Variety 1 Structured data 2 Unstructured data iii High Velocity rapid processing to maximize value 11 Continuous Planning a Real Time Management b Update and Adjust Plans c Track and Monitor Business Processes d Compare Actual Performance Against Goals 12 Databases Terminology a Library i Catalog Card ii Card Drawer iii Card Data b DBMS Equivalent i DBMS ii Database iii Record iv Attributes c Office i File Cabinet ii File Drawer iii File Folder iv Report 13 Databases vs Spreadsheets a Some people believe that you can run a business on spreadsheets b Both have good purposes c Common spreadsheet Excel Google docs d Common DBMS access on desktop larger ones 14 Use spreadsheet if a You want to crunch numbers and perform automatic calculations b You want to track a simple list of data c You want to easily create charts and graphs of your data d You want to create What IF scenarios 15 Use database if a There is large amount of data that would become unmanageable in spreadsheet form you want to maintain records for ongoing use b The data is subject to many changes change of address pricing changes c You want to generate reports based on the data a Extract information from existing data not just generating common reports b Its analyzing the data not just looking at it i ii Looking for patterns when there doesn t appear to be any Looking for relationships among data 16 Databases Advantages a Table 6 1 17 3 Components of BI Information and knowledge discovery a b Business and analytics c Information visualization 18 Information and Knowledge Discovery c Several methods for discovery 19 Traditional Reports and Queries a Table 6 5 20 Data Mining 21 Online Analytical Processing a Region device overtime a Thinking something is there but not knowing exactly what b Data mining is used to analyze large volumes of data usually with sophisticated analytical tools c The search is for patterns or trends that can be used to develop predictive models

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KU IST 301 - Business Intelligence Using Information Systems

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