Sensory vs culture Coke vs Pepsi Hippocampus prefrontal cortex Idea method result Scientiic Method systematic techniques used to analyze empirical evidence in unbiased attempt to confirm or disprove prior conceptions 5 tenets distinguish the scientific method from other ways of knowing intuition etc Logical empirical measurable verifiable objective systematic cumulative predictive Dialectics of Research There is no one way to do advertising social scientific research Much of the power of adv soc sci research lies in the many approaches it comprises Some dialectics basic and applied qualitative quantitative inductive deductive idiographic nomothetic Basic conducted to expand the boundaries of knowledge itself to verify the acceptability of a theory Applied undertaken to answer questions about specific problems or to make decisions about particular courses of action Dialectics quali and quant Qualitative primarily uses open ended probing questions common forms include in depth interviews and focus groups Most appropriate when one needs background information when little is known information to assist in problem formulation a deep understanding of consumer s attitudes feelings beliefs and behaviors generalizability is important statistical differences between groups must be determined statistical analyses are required Quantitative best used when Three main types Observation Physiological Survey Plus EXPERIMENTAL Dialectics deductive Inductive deductive from particular to general from a set of specific observations to the discover of a pattern inductive from general to specific from a pattern that might be logically or theoretically expected to the observations that test whether the expected pattern actually occur BASIC APPLIED FIELD LAB RESEARCH TYPES Stages of Research Process Preliminary Discussions and Agreements selection of problem first and most important Planning and Data Collection review of existing research or theory determination of hypothesis or RQ data collection Analysis and Application analysis and interpretation of data report key results Preliminary Discussions and Agreements The Problem Statement what is the issue that you your client needs to resolve how will research be a worthwhile investment in resolving this issue What do you need to learn in order to resolve the issue Define problem What is issue needed to resolve Three General Categories of Problems evoluate alternative choices list each alternative list decision to be made as a result of research Better understand needs opportunities state why a need or opportunity exists state how research will address the need or opportunity Increase knowledge on particular topic address what type of information is needed address why this information is needed how it will be used Justify the need for research not as important as defining problem probably done by marketing finance people on client side one of two questions to ask is the value of the information we get larger than the cost of getting it is the cost of making the wrong decision arger than the cost of getting the information Stages of research process Preliminary Discussions and Agreements 1 selection of problem first and most important Planning and Data Collection 2 Review of existing research or theory lit review 3 determination of hypothesis or RQ 4 data collection choice of research method Analysis and Application 5 analysis and interpretation of data 6 report key results and implications selection of problem define justify research informational needs Review of existing research period trace the historical development of the research area for a given time summarize existing iterature critical examination w your opinions not listing of what X said on the subject B indicate what the findings mean what needs further study critically evaluate existing research and then find some research gaps stating a hypothesis or RQ after identifying research problem and reviewing the existing literature hypothesis a former statement regarding the relationship between variables research question formally stated question intended to provide indications about something not limited to investigating relationships between variables Difference RQs only general areas of investigation gather info to help the researchers define and test hypotheses Hypotheses testable statements Choice of research method type of research primary research vs secondary research Secondary research What is it Seeking and re analyzing information that has been collected and analyzed by others usually for a different purpose than the researcher s current specific informational need How is it used Directly address informational needs Provide insight prior to primary research Help in development of research instruments Pros Quicker Cheaper Cons Availability Relevance Sufficiency Accuracy goodness Evaluating accury Purpose why Methodology How Source Who Consistency Types of sources Internal External Ways to find this stuff Library Databases Internet Primary Research Usually comes from the agency or the client Newspapers magazines Academic journals Consumer data Media use data eg Nielson When to conduct primary research When secondary research unavailable insufficient too expensive Types of primary research Quali and Quant These two types of research are complementary and NOT mutually exclusive often used to inform one another Data collection analysis interpretation Make your data interpretable All data should be processed or transformed for quantitative and qualitative analysis Then you should interpret the collected data for the purpose of drawing conclusions that reflect on the interests ideas and theories that initiated the research inquiry Reporting Results The format depends on purpose of research But there exists a generally accepted format I L MRD Examples Assignment2 introduction w lit review Method Expected Results Discussion contribution Reporting Results Introduction what you studied and why it s important identify problem and state importance why should I read this review relevant research identify a gap or research space State research aim research questions and establish hypothesis Methods how you studied it describes context and setting of the study describes data collection instruments and procedures specifies the study design and materials used Results what you saw data presented in tables and chart don t over do it Highlight the data related to answering the research questions tell your
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