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LGBT200 Final Study Guide Perfect Peace o Themes Gender stereotypes pg 45 Wanting love Domestic abuse violence Seeking approval from men pg 90 Biblical references How parents shape our identity Deception lying Emma Jean and Henrietta Queerness Emotional cleansing o Questions discipline Gus and masculinity Lack of violence Eva Mae Perfect Paul relationship Punishment reliance on stereotypes sissy as a form of Gus repressive of himself and others Biblical Concerned about surroundings and community Queer character Emma Jean selfish Bartimaeus is first to notice genitalia Sugar Baby honest foresight Walter Lee Fletcher Jr o Connections Compulsory heterosexuality Cisgender Come Out and Win by Sue Hyde o Why come out What does Hyde have to contribute to our discussion about coming out Resolves internal external conflicts Enables you to participate in activism Coming our builds allies Creates external resolves inner lesser of two evils Challenges Getting fired discharged from the military Gender conformity issues Central tension visibility Coming out is not just the personal process It should not end with the personal It should be connected to the political Central tension Politics Which gays are visible and which gays do not get to be Adding a pretty face Drag queen tutu couple unit o Organizations and political change What role does Hyde argue organizations play and have played in creating political and social change Organizations with collective work and good leaders promote change Outreach programs The power of organizations to bring experiences of other together Radically change homophobia at a structural level o Ideology reform strategy What role do GSAs play in K 12 education environments Make it easier to find other LGBT social purpose Activism day of silence ask my story day Challenges with political organizations If people in charge don t support it cannot go anywhere adult leaders in high schools Trouble finding regular participants o Significant political struggles Criminality of LGBT sexuality and the fight against sodomy What kinds of strategies were used to change these laws laws o Bowers v Hardwick o Lawrence v Texas Come Out and Win Pt 2 o How do these two chapters build upon the tensions we identified last class Visibility Seen as molestors Political executive order Call for gay leaders Politics reform v radical Certain people can be seen Sex and gender Lesbians problem w lesbians Sex sexy time A Gender Not Listed Here o Interpreting findings from the National Transgender Discrimination Survey o Method How do we ask people to self identify on a survey How can we ask about gender beyond the binary o What possibilities for queer performance of gender does this article highlight o What does this article tell us about the experiences of trans and gender nonconforming people Inventing Sin by Gross and Woods o How did the sex negativity develop in Judaic and Christian text Sex is for reproduction lesbianism isn t frowned upon because no spilling of seed sperm Christian texts praised Jesus celibacy only way to no be sinful Bottom of pg 120 sins against nature Masturbation Not having sex in missionary position Protestants Open options priest celibacy Protecting one s culture o How and when did the sins against nature shift into crimes against nature Where have we seen this before Before Stonewall criminalization of prostitution Daughters of Bilitis homosexuals linked to pedophilia Executive Order gay fired from the government o What were some early alliances b w churches and LGBT Quakers Some religions allowing gay lesbian leaders Council on Religion and Homosexual 1965 o What was dignity Creating a space for gay and lesbian Catholics Challenging and following church teachings o Rev Troy Perry founded Metropolitan Community Church How did Catholic Church respond Declaration of response to free love hippie culture 1975 Acknowledged existence of gays 1986 Cardinal Ratzinger o Pastoral care of homosexual persons Homophobia Violence and Bullying o What is happening on the ground GLSEN 2011 school climate survey National Transgender Discrimination Survey o Homophobia A Weapon of Sexism What is Pharr s thesis Homophobia works effectively as a weapon of sexism because it is joined with heterosexism Heterosexism creates the climate for homophobia with its assumption that the world is and must be heterosexual and its display of power and privilege as the norm Heterosexism is the systemic display of homophobia in the institutions of society Work together to enforce compulsory heterosexuality and that base of patriarchal power What supporting examples does she pull in as evidence for her argument homosexuality Fundamentalist ministers focusing on abortion and o Bombing of women s clinics deprogramming for homosexuals and establishing camps to quarantine AIDS patients Puberty and forced heterosexuality faggot queer pervert o Girls conforming to societal depictions grades drop rely on men for economic survival The word lesbian is still fully charged and carries with it the full threat of loss of power and privilege the threat of being cut asunder abandoned and left outside society s protection o A lesbian is perceived as someone who can live without a man and who is therefore against men Outside the acceptable no societal institutions to protect her and who is not privileged to the protection of individual males o Gay men are also seen as a threat to male dominance and control Seen as traitors Associated with affectionate openness not real men Fear that their sexual identity and behavior will bring down the entire system of male dominance and compulsory heterosexuality Lesbian Baiting is an attempt to control women by labeling us as lesbians because our behavior is not acceptable i e when we are independent What can we take from her essay in connection with the GLSEN and NTDS reports o For the Straight Kids Who Don t Act Straight What is the central argument Participants who were gender nonconforming as children report elevated rates of childhood sexual physical and psychological abuse Homophobia is so persuasive that even the perception that a kid might be gay can inspire homophobic parents to become more physically abusive in an attempt to discourage their child s nonconformity Gender nonconforming children may enter an 1 112 and Counting by Larry Kramer 1983 unhealthy adulthood o Our continues existence as gay men upon the face of this earth is at stake o 1 112 serious cases of AIDS

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