STUDY GUIDE FOR EXAM 4 Chapter 18 20 questions Buffers Titrations Common ion effect Not like the textbook example 18 1 but rather like that in the notes and lecture Components and choice of buffer Calculations Henderson Hasslebach equation Preparation of a buffer How does a buffer maintain pH Curves for different types Comparison of strong acid base with weak acid strong base Calculations at the start during at the equivalence point and after the equivalence point excess base Choice of indicator which is the best Solubility Ksp equations finding and using Ksp Solubility and common ion effect 19 Entropy and Thermodynamics 6 questions 20 Electron Transfer Reactions 4 questions Meaning microscopic understanding dispersal of energy or matter like discussed in the text or class Entropy measurement order or entropy values for s l g and for compounds AND for reactions increase decrease Calculation of delta So for a reaction Calculation of delta Go for a reaction 2 ways Enthalpy entropy and spontaneity Delta Go for a reaction and K for the reaction Balancing half and complete reactions acid only Simple Voltaic cells how does the cell work Parts of cell Cell equations and notations incl inert electrodes Standard Electrode Potentials and what the table means order of oxidizing agents or reducing agents Using Standard Reduction Potentials NE SW rule Calculating standard electrode Eo potentials for a reaction Cell voltage free energy and equilibrium
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