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DHE 462 Study Guide Midterm 1 Winter 2013 The examination contains 60 to 65 multiple choice questions Twenty of the questions will relate to five slides The slide portion of the exam will take place at the beginning Slide related questions will be identifying the particular time period Early Renaissance Italian Renaissance or North European Renaissance identifying basic styles shown in the slides or relating to the style period and identifying influences on styles that are shown in the slide or other styles during that time period Slides will contain two or more pictures featuring different parts of the near environment There will be three to four questions per slide The examination will cover all information contained in the assigned readings for weeks one through three and all information discussed in class through the North European Renaissance Thus you need to learn about styles and influences on the Early Renaissance full Italian Renaissance AND North European Renaissance Readings include all assigned readings this includes the Course Packet You are responsible for knowledge of the full near environment The midterm will test your knowledge on the following 1 General descriptions of characteristics of styles and recognition of the basic style terms for all style In General periods Early Renaissance In Italian peninsula only Florence o o Built structures Mid 14th century to end of 15th century about 1350 to 1500 They were inspired by Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome Use of classical orders with little changes from Ancient Rome they kept them pretty much the same with little changes to style Classical forms were used Rounded Roman arches Used them single or in a series Modules circles squares and cubes Often used geometric shapes as modules to decide things such as repetition spacing etc Horizontal emphasis lines Often the first story was the tallest and the third story was the shortest helped to create the horizontal emphasis Minimal in ornamentation compared to the other two Renaissance periods they were also more flat ornamentation compared to later Renaissance ornamentation Contrast in colors light walls with darker ornamentation to clearly show geometric shape o Interiors o Dress Influence of Roman sites Proportions were important Coordination of entire interior Little ornamentation Waistlines in women s dress were high under the bust Shoes were pointed Italian Renaissance high and late Renaissance o o Italian peninsula 16th century about 1500 1599 Built structures High Renaissance More ornamentation and 3D orders than in earlier Renaissance o More use of classical orders o More massive three dimensional orders and ornamentation than before Integrated and harmonious building Might be less horizontal variation among the stories of buildings not all stories are the same height Late Renaissance Period of personal artistic expression Mannerism disharmony discord imbalance tension Palladian arches Palladian windows Breaking of rules deviation from norm o Interiors o Dress o Broken string courses triangle pediment without bottom etc Interiors made use of trompe l oeil fool the eye Ruff becomes a fashion statement in the 16th century Blackwork a type of embroidery visible around the wrist or around the neckline it made a statement because it was often expensive because it was hand made Hose they take on new shapes that do not follow the form of the leg they start to balloon out Codpiece Trunk hose paned Waistlines in women s dress moved toward the natural waistline with the skirt gathered pleated at the waist instead of high up and under the bust like before Skirt becomes more full Gowns women wore two gowns an undergown and a top gown which was sleeveless gown and over gown Women kept their hair covered younger women were sometimes allowed to have their hair down older and married women kept their hair up and covered Turban like head coverings came from cultural contact North European Renaissance France England and elsewhere o o Build Structure 16th century sometimes early 17th century Glass became less expensive allowing the number and size of windows to increase Early part of style had more Gothic characteristics These included hammer beam ceilings half timbered construction the four centered Tudor arch oriel windows upper story projecting window supported on brackets and square octagonal towers Tudor facades were irregular or asymmetrical with multiple projections and recesses Steeper rooflines Later in the period More elaborate ornamentation and more classical ornamentation as well as inspiration from Italian Renaissance o Interiors o Dress No turrets Long galleries became a characteristics feature of all types of Elizabethan and later Jacobean houses which was used for exercise games social events and for the display of newly popular individual collections Differentiated stories More symmetrical with more of a horizontal emphasis Interiors have combination of medieval and Renaissance features early in century there is more Renaissance influence visible mid to late century Hierarchical spaces moving away from communal living Multi purpose rooms Hall moves from communal room to entry way Number of rooms increase Chimneys were a focal point Both men and women s garments expressed the fact that it was a time of exploration Exploration can be seen in things like gold being used in the fabric Stones Pearls and gold seen in fashion during this time period was used for aesthetics not for function it was to show status and wealth Shoes start to become more square instead of pointed like in Early Renaissance Men s collars started to get bigger ruffs on collar in later North European Renaissance the ruff got bigger their hair was cut shorter in the back Men s Doublet no longer huge shoulders or upper sleeves but more stiffness rigid Women s undergarments changed during this century shaping garments They go from being the layer necessary to keep one covered and to keep warm to shaping the body or helping to shape the garment Helping to shape the body usually the upper undergarment and helping to shape the garment usually the lower undergarment Wore farthingale Waistlines in women s dress were smooth no gathers also wore ruffs Bum rolls early a stuffed roll of extra fabric to give the hips more width 2 Predominant influences on the near environment or selected areas of the near environment for each time period Polity states o Early Renaissance lawyers look to Roman law for

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OSU DHE 462 - Midterm 1

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