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GUIDELINES FOR IN SEARCH OF RESPECT Preface to 2003 Edition What are the four major dynamics that altered the tenor of daily life on the streets of East Harlem since Bourgois first did his research How did this affect the lives of the people he studied Introduction Why does Bourgois feel that the ethnographic method developed by anthropologists is better than traditional sociological methodology when studying areas like East Harlem How did Bourgois conduct his research which in East Harlem How does Bourgois critique postmodernist theory and how does he also think it helped him What does Bourgois mean when he says that anthropological writing can be the site of resistance and that he is convinced that social scientists should and can face power Inner city street culture Street culture of resistance Politics of representation Structure and Agency Culture of poverty Political economy explanations Internalized racism Cultural capital Impression management game Class race apartheid Homophobia Chapter 1 Violating Apartheid in the United States What problems did Bourgois encounter while doing field work How is inner city apartheid enforced in the United States What is the culture of terror how is it demonstrated in the behavior of individuals such as Ray and what are its consequences for the majority of residents 1 Juice Respect Questions for Chapters 2 Before U S invasion After 1900 After WWII Explain Bourgois statement that NY born Puerto Ricans are the descendents of an uprooted people in the midst of a marathon sprint through economic history Check out below for the diverse permutations the last 2 3 generations have gone through What have these changes translated statistically into This is a political economy explanation Is a political economy explanation enough according to Bourgois How do the Nyricans Bourgois lived with account for their position in society Ecological explanation for the lives of crime violence and substance abuse Ethnic succession which groups have followed each other in East Harlem and how do they resemble each other and how they were and are seen by the dominant society Jibaro What does this term convey and what has the term become a symbol of How is Ray a good example of how the logistics of selling crack are similar to those of other private sector retail enterprises In what ways is this also different What are wages and working conditions like in the crack economy Follow the work trajectory and behavior of Primo Benzie and Cesar Functionalist interpretation of crack house cliques Chapter 3 Chapter 4 2 Which sector of the economy besides drug dealing now provides work to residents of East Harlem What does Bourgois mean when he states that office corridor culture is in direct contrast to street culture s definitions of personal dignity especially for males Pursuing the immigrant s dream and how did this backfire on them What is working class ideology or the macho proletarian dream and how does it fit into PR cultural values in a way that working in the service sector does not What however prevented them from reaching working class stability In what ways do they seek an alternative to their social marginalization Bicultural alternative Apartheid class and race Oppositional identities where is it functional and where is it not Getting dissed New immigrants Cultural capital 3 Chapters 5 School Days What are the cultural and generational gaps that destabilized the traditional power relations of the Nyrican household How is drug dealers future career in the underground economy often established or learned at school What are the main socializing forces pushing marginal children into street culture and the underground economy Cultural production theory Gendered brutality Politics of representation Homoerotic dimensions of male sexual bonding Chapter 6 redrawing the gender lines What does Bourgois mean by the crisis in patriarchy How does this inpact male female relationships in the Barrio How does Candy s life history reflect the life and values of many Puerto Rican women in Spanish Harlem How did Candy s behavior in some ways invert patriarchy and in others follow the usual script of female submission Using Candy as an example discuss the relationship between urban poor in Spanish Harlem and the role of government agencies Battered women s syndrome Ataque de niervos Patriarchy Worthy and unworthy poor Rising number of women in jail Chapter 7 families and children What do standard psychological theories of early childhood socialization not take account of What two factors have profoundly changed the ways East Harlem Puerto Rican immigrant families are organized 4 What is meant by a crisis in family values and what do politicians usually ignore What was for Bourgois the most stressful dimension of living in El Barrios street when discussing this crisis scene What does Bourgois mean when he says that residents of El Barrio are inevitably socialized into the normalcy of drug dealing Why do women in El Barrio according to Bourgois have babies What is street culture s attitude to the rights and responsibilities of fathers What happens when mothers follow the examples of fathers At what age does the death and destruction of inner city children begin Who according to Bourgois has to share the burden and responsibility of having children How was Jackie incorporated into the rites of passage of street culture and how was this even viewed by the men Chapter 8 Vulnerable Fathers How does Bourgois view the new policy that financially encourages marriage among welfare recipients Why How is street culture s masculinity defined What are traditional Puerto Rican views of masculine respect How does Ray s older generation perception of male respect differ from the younger generation of Primo How is patriarchy accommodated by women Chapter 9 Conclusion What does Bourgois see to be at the root of substance abuse How much has poverty risen in the US between 1968 and 1992 What solutions does Bourgois suggest might provide concrete short term public policy solutions Bourgois states that crack dealers he lived with are not driven solely by simple economic necessity they are also searching for dignity and fulfillment Explain Why does Bourgois state that almost none of the policy recommendations he has made so far are politically feasible in the US in the short or medium term What does Bourgois mean when he says that the people he studied are not exotic others operating in an irrational

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